Studying Humanities, Law and Economics
Human beings, in all their manifold diversity, are always at the heart of the humanities. This includes everyday culture, language, history, social, political and religious life and the arts but also the practice of all the sciences and their ways of thinking. Law, for its part, determines human behavior through a framework of legal norms, while economics looks at fundamental economic interrelationships and governing laws in our societies.
Wir sind die Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Bonn.
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The range of degree programs offered by the University of Bonn includes a wide range of programs in the humanities and social sciences, such as Asian Studies, English Studies, Politics and Society, Psychology, and Media Studies. They shine a light on language, culture, history, politics, philosophy and religion as well as human behavior and media from a variety of angles.
Teaching degrees
Many humanities subjects can be studied as part of teaching degrees. Depending on the type of school, fascinating combinations are possible, e.g. a foreign language together with a natural science such as chemisty.

Among other things, law students tackle problems of legislation and case-law in various legal fields such as commercial and business law, international law and criminal law.
Legal framework conditions and human behavior also play a role in economics in terms of studying economic phenomena such as inflation and the economic cycle, their interrelationships and governing laws.

Presentation of degree programs
Geisteswissenschaften, Rechts und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Uni Bonn
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