Whatever Holds the World Together in its Inmost Folds.

Studying Natural Sciences and Medicine

Anyone looking to take a degree program in the natural sciences or medicine should enjoy grappling with mathematical and scientific questions and getting right to the bottom of things through experimentation. An ability to think in abstract terms, an interest in logical relationships and an aptitude for seeing things from different angles are just as important for successful study as a good level of self-organization and a precise way of working, both when learning independently and when working in small groups.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Volker Lannert

Natural sciences

The natural sciences cover all subjects that deal with the empirical study of nature and how it is modeled. “Empirical” here means observing, measuring and analyzing. Modeling allows approximate predictions to be made of natural processes and the external influences on them. Much of the natural sciences is built on mathematical content relevant to the subject area. Computer science and mathematics can also be studied in Bonn as degree programs in their own right. 

Agriculture, nutrition, engineering and measurement science

Closely related to the natural sciences are the degree programs offered by the Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional, and Engineering Sciences. In addition to Agricultural Sciences, these include Nutrition and Food Sciences, Food Chemistry and Geodesy and Geoinformation (measurement science). The basics of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology play a key role in these degree programs, too. They are supplemented with content from the fields of computer science, engineering sciences and economics depending on the degree program.

© Volker Lannert
Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox.com

Teaching degrees

Students looking to take a teaching degree for grammar, comprehensive and vocational schools can choose from a wide range of mathematical, scientific and agricultural subjects at the University of Bonn.


Students in the Human Medicine and Dentistry degree programs start out by tackling the scientific basics of biology, chemistry and physics. Budding physicians and dentists should therefore have a certain affinity for the natural sciences and be prepared to spend most of their first year on these subjects before launching themselves into medical theory and practice.

© Johann Saba

Presentation of degree programs

Naturwissenschaften und Medizin der Uni Bonn

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