We promote exchange
Erasmus+ During Your Studies or Doctorate

Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators

The various faculties at the University of Bonn maintain partnerships with almost 300 universities both within and outside Europe. The Erasmus Departmental Coordinators in the departments can advise you on coming to the University of Bonn or on undertaking studies or an internship abroad.

© Volker Lannert/ Universität Bonn

Erasmus+ at the departments of the University of Bonn

Interested in applying to study in Bonn or do a degree program or internship abroad via the Erasmus+ Programme? Got some questions about your options for studying at our University or at your department’s partner universities? Then the Erasmus Departmental Coordinators should be your first port of call for any questions about your planned stay.

The advisors in the International Office can answer general questions about the Erasmus Programme and your stay at the University of Bonn or about studying or doing an internship abroad.

Study and Intership in Bonn

Erasmus+ studies at the University of Bonn

Erasmus+ enables international students to study at the University of Bonn for 1 or 2 semesters.

Erasmus+ internship in Bonn

With the Erasmus+ Programme, international students can do an internship at the University of Bonn or a company based in the city.

Erasmus+ during your doctorate

Erasmus+ gives international doctoral students the opportunity to conduct research at the University of Bonn for 1 or 2 semesters.

Study and Intership Abroad

Erasmus+ stay in Europe

Students and doctoral students at the University of Bonn can spend 1 to 2 semesters or less studying at a partner university in Europe on the Erasmus+ Programme.

Erasmus+ stay outside of Europe

The Erasmus+ Programme lets students and doctoral students spend 2 to 12 months studying in various places around the world as part of individual cooperation projects.

Erasmus+ traineeship outside Germany

The Erasmus+ Programme funds two- to twelve-month or short-term traineeships related to a student’s degree or doctorate subject in over 30 European countries.

Erasmus+ for doctoral students

Erasmus+ provides funding opportunities allowing doctoral students to study or do an internship elsewhere in Europe and in a handful of non-European countries.

Coordination of Erasmus+ in your department

At the University of Bonn, the Erasmus Programme is implemented by the Erasmus Departmental Coordinators in the various departments in close partnership with the Erasmus team in the International Office.

Duties of the Departmental Coordinators

  • Coordinating the Erasmus Programme within their department.
  • Selecting and nominating Erasmus students (incomings and. outgoings) and coordinating Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching
  • Providing students with academic advice (primarily on courses, drawing up learning agreements, transcripts of records).

Theological Faculties

(Subject code 0221)

Address: Dekanat
Rabinstraße 8, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Hanno Dockter
Phone: +49 228 73-7344

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Hanno Dockter (Mail)

(Subject code 0221)

Address: Abteilung für Altes Testament
Am Hof 1, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-4851

Contact: Daniela Langen (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-60026

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun (Mail)

(Subject code 0221)

Address: Adenauerallee 33, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Theresa Hüther (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7496

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Theresa Hüther (Mail)

Faculty of Law and Economics

(Subject code 0421)

Address: Rechtswissenschaftlicher Fachbereich,
Adenauerallee 24–42, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Sabine Beck, Ass. Iur. (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-60097

Contact: Elsa González

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1/B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Sabine Beck, Ass. Iur. (Mail)

(Subject code 0311)

Address: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Prüfungsamt,
Adenauerallee 24–42, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Sabine Hübner-Monien (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-9450

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: Bachelor: German – B2 / Master: English – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Sabine Hübner-Monien (Mail)

Faculty of Medicine

(Subject code 0919)

Address: Faculty of Medicine,
Building 66, Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, 
Venusberg-Campus 1, 53127 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Alexandra Conzen(Mail)

Phone: +49 228 287-10317

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: English – B2 
Responsible und administrative contact person Learning Agreement: N.N.

(Subject code 0912)

Address: UK Bonn, Prüfungsbüro,
Venusberg-Campus 1, Building 13, 53127 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Cornelia Hömig-Hölzel (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 287-51289
Fax: +49 228 287-51388

(Subject code 0912)

Address: Faculty of Medicine,
Bureau of Studies of the Faculty of Medicine
Venusberg-Campus 1, Build. 33, D-53127 Bonn

Coordination: Prof. Dr. med. Dariusch R. Hadizadeh

Contact: Vera Mattner (Mail)
Phone: +49 151 188-03833

Contact: Tom Kemper (Mail)
Phone: +49 151 188-53382

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1 
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Vera Mattner (Mail) 

(Subject code 0912)

Address: Universitätskliniken, Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde,
Welschnonnenstraße 17, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: N.N.
Phone: +49 228 287-

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

(Subject code 0222)

Address: Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie,
Abteilung für Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie,
Oxfordstraße 15, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Caterina Mantilla (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-4384

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: Bachelor: German – B2 / Master: English – B2 or Spanish – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Caterina Mantilla (Mail)

Website for all institutes28

Islamic Studies and Middle and Eastern Languages

(Subject code 0229)

Address: Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften,
Abt. Islamwissenschaft und Nahostsprachen,
Brühler Straße 7, 53119 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Evrim Binbaş (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-5858

Japanology und Korean Studies

(Subject code 0239)

Address: Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften,
Abteilung Japanologie,
Nassestraße 2, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Henrieke Holtschneider (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-8483

Mongolian and Tibetan Studies

(Subject code 0239)

Address: Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften,
Abteilung für Mongologistik und Tibetstudien,
Brühler Straße 7, 53119 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Ute Wallenböck (Mail)
Telefon: +49 228 73-5736


(Subject code 0239)

Address: Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften,
Abteilung für Sinologie,
Brühler Straße 7, 53119 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Marc Hermann (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7396

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: 
English – B1 (Islamic Studies and Middle and Eastern Languages)
German – B1 / English – B2 (Asian and Islamic Art History)

Islamic Studies and Middle and Eastern Languages: 
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Evrim Binbaş (Mail) 

Japanology and Korean Studies:
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Henrike Holtschneider (Mail) 

Monoglian and Tibetan Studies: 
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Ines Stolpe (Mail)
Administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Prof. Dr. Lewis Doney (Mail)

(Subject code 0222)

Address: Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie,
Abteilung für Klassische Archäologie,
Römerstraße 164, 53117 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Ernst Pohl (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7472

Contact: Dennis Mario Beck (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-5276

Only for Incoming Students 
Language requirements: German – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dennis Mario Beck (Mail)

(Subject code 0229)

Address: Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies,
University of Bonn, Niebuhrstraße 5, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Sarah Dusend30 (Mail)
Telefon: +49 228 73-62446

(Subject code 0232)

Address: Department of English, American and Celtic Studies,
Rabinstraße 8, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Imke Lichterfeld (Mail) - Inter Institutional Agrements
Phone: +49 228 73-4955

Deputy Coordinator: Dr. Nicole Meier (Mail) - Learning Agreements

General Contact: Tabea Wiegand (Mail Outgoing) and Charlie Schwall (Mail Incoming)

Only for Incoming Students
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Nicole Meier (Mail)

(Subject code 0232)

Address: Institut für Germanistik, Vergleichende Literatur-und Kulturwissenschaft,
Rabinstraße 8, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Christine Lafos
Phone: +49 228 73-60290

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B2

(Subject code 0222)

Address: Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft,
Abteilung für Geschichte der Neuzeit,
Konviktstraße 11, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Simon Ebert (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-5179

Only for Incoming Students 
Language requirements: German – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Simon Ebert (Mail) 

(Subject code 0239)

Address: Institut für Klassische und Romanische Philologie,
Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie,
Rabinstraße 8, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Iris Sticker(Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7619

Only for Incoming Students 
Language requirements: German – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Iris Sticker(Mail)

(Subject code 0222)

Address: Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie,
Abteilung für Kulturanthropologie und Volkskunde,
Am Hofgarten 22, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Victoria Huszka (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-4705

Only for Incoming Students
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Victoria Huszka (Mail)

(Subject code 0222)

Address: Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie
Abteilung für Kunstgeschichte,
Rabinstr. 8, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Hilja Droste (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7579

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Hilja Droste (Mail) 

German as a Foreign Language (Subject code 0114)
Media and Communication Studies (Subject code 0329)
Sound Studies (Subject Code 0211)

Address: Institut für Sprach-, Medien- und Musikwissenschaft,
Lennéstraße 6, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Erika Linz (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7995

General contact: Johanna Krautkrämer (Mail)
Contact Learning Agreements: Dr. Erika Linz (Mail)

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – A2 / English – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Erika Linz (Mail)

(Subject code 0223)

Address: Institut für Philosophie,
Rabinstraße 8, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Horn (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7742

General contact: Susanne Koch (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-9628

Contact for Students: Dr. Simon Weber (Mail)

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Simon Weber (Mail) 

(Subject code 0312)

Address: Institut für Politische Wissenschaft und Soziologie,
Lennéstraße 25–27, 53113 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Lutz Haarmann (Mail)

Contact: Timo Ettl (Mail) 

Contact OLA: Dr. Stefan Finger (Mail) 

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Timo Ettl (Mail) 

(Subject code 0313)

Address: Institut für Psychologie,
Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Gizem Hülür (Mail)

Contact: Melanie Wolff Metternich (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-4269

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Prof. Dr. Gizem Hülür (Mail) 

(Subject code 0232)

Address: Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie, Romanistik und Altamerikanistik,
Abteilung für Romanistik,
Rabinstraße 8, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Sarah Dietrich-Grappin (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7805

Contact for France and Italy: Alina Lohkemper (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-4243 

Contact for Spain and Portugal: Pr. Dr. Sarah Dietrich-Grappin (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7805
Reasearch Assistant: Helena Murk (Mail)

Coordination for German-Italian-Studies: Lisa Tenderini (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-82029

Coordination for German-French Studies: Dr. Désirée Cremer (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7270

Only for Incoming Students

Language requirements: German – A2

Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement:

Romance Studies (France and Italy): Alina Lohkemper (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-4243 and
Romance Studies (Spain and Portugal):
Prof. Dr. Sarah Dietrich-Grappin (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7805

German-Italian-Studies: Lisa Tenderini (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-82029

German-French-Studies: Dr. Désirée Cremer (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-7270

(Subject code 0232)

Address: Institut für Germanistik, Vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft,
Abteilung Skandinavistik,
Rabinstr. 8, 53111 Bonn

Coordination: Christine Lafos
Phone: +49 228 73-60290

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1

Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Christine Lafos


Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

(Subject code 0511)

Address: IZMB - Institute for Cellular & Molecular Botany
Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn

Coordinator: Dr. rer. nat. Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-6464

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1 / Master: English B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. rer. nat. Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger (Mail)

(Subject code 0519)

Address: Center of Molecular Biotechnology (CEMBIO), Biocenter,
Karlrobert-Kreiten-Straße 13, 53115 Bonn

Coordinator: Dr. rer. nat. Mareike Schallenberg-Rüdinger (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-6464

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: none

(Subject code 0519)

Address: LIMES Institut,
Carl-Troll-Straße 31, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-62817

Contact: Heike Sievert (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-62818

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1 / English – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele (Mail)

(Subject code 0531)

Address: Kekulé-Institut für Organische Chemie und Biochemie,
Gerhard-Domagk-Straße 1, 53121 Bonn

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Ala Bunescu (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-2569

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B2 / English – B2
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Ala Bunescu (Mail)
Administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Prof. Dr. Ala Bunescu (Mail)

(Subject code 0532)

Address: Institut für Geowissenschaften,
Kirschallee 1–3, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Mario Valdivia Manchego (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-9309

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1 / English – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Mario Valdivia Manchego (Mail)


(Subject code 0532)

Address: Geographisches Institut,
Meckenheimer Allee 166, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Simone Giertz(Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-5597

Contact: Johanna Lüttge

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1 / English – B1 (in M.Sc. B2)
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Simone Giertz (Mail)


(Subject code 0619)

Address: Institut für Informatik, Informatikzentrum
Endenicher Allee 19A, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: PD Dr. Elmar Langetepe (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-4322

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: Bachelor: German – B1/B2 / Master: English – B1/B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: PD Dr. Elmar Langetepe (Mail)

(Subject code 0541)

Address: Mathematisches Institut,
Endenicher Allee 60, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Thoralf Räsch (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-3340

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: Bachelor: German – B1 / Master: English – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Thoralf Räsch (Mail)

(Subject code 0532)

Address: Institut für Geowissenschaften
Metereologie und Geophysik
Auf dem Hügel 20, 53121 Bonn

Coordination: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Leonie Esters (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 7360694 and
Dr. Anna Zoporowski (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 732466

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1 / English – B2

(Subject code 0916)

Address: Pharmazeutisches Institut,
An der Immenburg 4, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Christa. E. Müller (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-2301

Contact: Dr. Anke C. Schiedel and Dr. Hiltrud Ott (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-60244

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Anke C. Schiedel and Dr. Hiltrud Ott (Mail)

(Subject code 0533)

Address: Physikalisches Institut,
Fachgruppe Physik/ Astronomie,
Nußallee 12, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Ulrich Blum (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-3212

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: Bachelor: German – B1 / Master: English – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Dr. Ulrich Blum (Mail)

Faculty of Agricultural, Nutritional and Engineering Sciences

Address: Katzenburgweg 9, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: Antje Svihlik (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-2053

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1 / English – B2
Responsible and administrative contact person Learning Agreement: Antje Svihlik (Mail)

(Subject code 0819)

Contact: please see “For all study programs of this faculty”

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1/English – B2

(Subject code 0819)

Contact: please see “For all study programs of this faculty”

Only for Incoming Students
Language requirements: German – B1 / English – B2

(Subject code 0532)

Contact: please see “For all study programs of this faculty”

Center for Teacher Training

Address: Poppelsdorfer Allee 15, 5115 Bonn

Coordination: Dr. Frauke Fechner (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-60047


(Subject code 0988)

Address: Argelander Straße 1, 53115 Bonn

Coordination: Sina Loos (Mail)
Phone: +49 228 73-60587


The basis for the participation of the University of Bonn in the Erasmus program is the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education70.

© EU

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The contents of this publication reflect only the views of the author; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information which it contains.

Also see

The National Agency in DAAD

Further information of the National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation within the Erasmus+ programme.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Bonn

The Erasmus Student Network promotes international exchange on the Erasmus Programme with a wide range of activities and social events.

Certificate of Intercultural Competence

The University of Bonn issues a certificate in recognition of students’ international and intercultural engagement.

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