
Erasmus+ worldwide

An excellent time learning in a welcoming environment

Erasmus experience of Clever Anyitike Gwakabale, student from Tanzania

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© Clever Anyitike Gwakabale (private)

Clever Anyitike Gwakabale

Before arriving at the University of Bonn, Germany, the International Office and the Department of Geography provided excellent support, including grant documents for visa acquisition, course lists and a Learning Agreement. They also arranged on-campus student accommodation, conveniently located within walking distance of classes and stores. 

Upon arrival in Bonn, we received the first installment of our funds to help us prepare for the start of our stay. A few days later, the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator of the Department of Geography took us on a tour of important areas such as classrooms and the library to familiarize ourselves with the locations. Later, the International Office conducted an orientation for all incoming Erasmus+ students in the Winter semester 2024/2025, which introduced various important issues and provided an opportunity to meet new people. 

During my stay, I had an excellent time learning in a welcoming environment provided by the lecturers. In September, the first month of my stay, I enrolled in a German language course, which allowed me to add a new language to my repertoire. The semester officially commenced in October with regular courses. It was a pleasure to meet new individuals, from fellow students to lecturers, and to experience different teaching and assessment methods compared to those at my home university Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. 

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© Clever Anyitike Gwakabale (private)

During our stay at the University of Bonn, we participated in various events organized by the International Office and the Department of Geography. We met people from different nationalities, making new friends and connections. We visited the wine festival with the Department of Geography, learned about German culture and took a city tour to explore Bonn's rich history. Additionally, during Christmas, we visited markets to experience traditional and modern German lifestyles. 

With my Schengen visa, I visited France and fulfilled my dream of seeing the Eiffel Tower, thanks to the Erasmus+ program. At the end of the semester, we attended farewell parties organized by the International Office and the Department of Geography to reflect on our experiences at the University of Bonn.

Program: Erasmus+ worldwide1
Home university: Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro (Tanzania)
Time of stay: Winter Semester 2024/25

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