The University of Bonn – Open to all

Erasmus+ worldwide

Are you a student at a non-European university who wants to take part in the Erasmus+ program? As part of the Erasmus+ worldwide the University of Bonn cooperates with non-European partner universities to enable students like you to study under the Erasmus+ program.

Key Facts

  • Study at the University of Bonn for one or two semesters (minimum duration: 2 months; maximum: 12 months)
  • Financial support through an Erasmus grant
  • Recognition of academic credits earned at the University of Bonn
  • Your home university will help you prepare for your study-abroad period; support during your stay will be provided by the University of Bonn.
© Bernadett Yehdou/ Universität Bonn

Who Can Apply?

To apply for the Erasmus+ worldwide scheme, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be currently studying at a partner university (your nationality is not important).
  • You are interested in studying at the University of Bonn for one or two semesters.
  • You must be enrolled as a student at your home university when you submit your application and you must remain enrolled for the duration of your stay in Bonn.
  • Students taking a bachelor’s degree: you must have completed at least the first year of your bachelor’s degree when you begin studying in Bonn.

Partner Universities

In contrast to the Erasmus+ European exchange program, not all subjects are included in the Erasmus+ worldwide exchange program. This is because only a few selected projects are supported by Erasmus+ worldwide exchange. At present the University of Bonn has Erasmus+ worldwide cooperative agreements with partners in the following countries:

Countries and Partner Universities

How to Apply?

Please contact the International Office at your home university to learn more about the possibilities of studying as an exchange student at the University of Bonn within the Erasmus+ worldwide scheme. The candidate selection criteria are specified by the home university in consultation with the host institution.

Application Process

Your home university nominates you for the Erasmus+ worldwide program.

Nomination deadlines:
For winter semester: April 15
For summer semester: October 15

Please contact the International Office at your home university to complete step 1 before continuing to step 2.

If you are nominated in time by your home university, you may register via the online application portal Mobility-Online. Please read the registration information on the Mobility-Online website and follow the instructions in the emails that you will be sent after each step of the registration process.

Online Registration12

Enter all of the necessary information on the Mobility-Online portal and upload the required application documents within the application period.

Application deadlines:

For winter semester: May 31
For summer semester: November 30

After the application deadline has passed, the International Office will review the submitted documents and will send you a letter of admission. If you need to apply for a student visa, please present the letter of admission to the relevant German embassy or consular office.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

Financial Support

Once selected for the exchange program, you are eligible to receive financial support from the Erasmus+ worldwide scheme. Key information at a glance:

  • The grant awarded to you is tied to the partner institutions and countries stated in the application
  • Grants can be awarded for study abroad purposes
  • Mobility grant paid for the duration of the stay
  • Travel allowance (amount paid depends on actual distance involved). The travel allowance is calculated using the distance calculator13 provided by the European Commission.
  • Maximum duration of funding for bachelor’s degree students (“first cycle”) and master’s students degrees (“second cycle”) is 12 months.

Studying for a second degree does not confer any increased entitlement to receive financial support. Previous Erasmus+ grants (for study and for traineeships) at another university will also be taken into account.

Additional funding for individuals experiencing “special” circumstances

The following circumstances qualify you for additional funding:

Long-term mobility placements of 1–2 semesters (2–12 months)—€250 a month:

  • You have a disability (starting at a disability level of 20)
  • You are suffering from a chronic condition that will result in additional costs when abroad
  • You intend to take a child abroad with you
  • You are a student/ doctoral student and hold a job (the income limit depends on your home country and can be found in the information sheet on additional funding)
  • You are a student/ doctoral student from a non-academic household (individuals whose parents or carers do not hold a degree from a university or university of applied sciences)

You will find more details in the information sheet on additional funding14 (PDF).

Additional funding for “green travel”

If you choose not to travel by plane to Bonn and instead travel by train, bus, carpool or bicycle, you can receive an increased travel allowance and funding for additional travel days, depending on your home country. You will receive further information once your application has been successful.

Preparing for Your Stay

If you have successfully applied for an Erasmus+ grant to study at the University of Bonn, the following pages provide important information that will help you prepare for your stay in Bonn.

Concerning the enrollment process at the University of Bonn, you will receive an email from the International Office with detailed instructions.

OLS language tests and language courses

You will be given access to the “Online Language Support” (OLS) language learning platform, where you can take tests in all EU languages plus a few others and then complete language courses free of charge. Although the tests and courses are not compulsory, they will be very helpful as you prepare to go abroad. The instructions (PDF) tell you how to create an account.


Avatar Meraner

Dr. Manuela Meraner

Erasmus+ worldwide (Incoming)


Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Office Hours

  • by appointment

The basis for the participation of the University of Bonn in the Erasmus program is the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education25.

© EU

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The contents of this publication reflect only the views of the author; the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use made of the information which it contains.

Also see

Information issued by the EU

The European Commission website also contains general information regarding the Erasmus+ program.

Campus International

The Campus International program seeks to promote greater intercultural exchange at the University of Bonn.

Learning German

There are a range of options open to international students who wish to improve and extend their German language skills.

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