Erasmus+ worldwide

I wish in the future that I can come again

Erasmus experience of Maxmillian Victor Nara, student from Tanzania

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© Maximilian Victor Nara (private)

Maxmillian Victor Nara 

I first heard about the Erasmus Worldwide Program in Bonn at Mzumbe University in Tanzania when I participated in my master’s degree program in Environmental Management. From that time, I was very excited to participate in this program due to the fact that Germany has a strong commitment to climate actions, sustainability, waste management, renewable energy and environmental innovation. Furthermore, the reputation of the University of Bonn as a strong record of disciplinary excellence and a number of multidisciplinary research areas including environmental science and management supporting the achievement of excellence since 1818 makes it an ideal choice for my academic and career aspirations. I would like to express my special thanks to all team members of the Geography department at the University of Bonn for making all the necessary arrangements for my pick up at the Cologne airport and connecting with my University Study-Buddy who volunteered her time to make me familiar with the city of Bonn at the beginning of my stay. Furthermore, they arranged a nice accommodation room with a private kitchen and washroom, making my stay more comfortable for studying.

I succeeded in choosing three courses with a minimum total of 30 ECTS units from the list of courses offered by the University of Bonn. Among these courses, two are held at the United Nations University which is another opportunity for me to receive academic knowledge, skills and experience with the United Nations. During my studies, I observed that both the University of Bonn and United Nations University had a great methodological way of delivering knowledge to students. It included student topic presentations, lectures, student dialogs and student group discussions as well assessing and grading the student performance which is quite different from my home country university where student’s performance will be graded by tests, examinations and term papers only.

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© Maximilian Victor Nara (private)

My life at Bonn in Germany was perfect and it was a great opportunity to learn and understand other languages from international students. Furthermore, I was of course interested in the German language the culture, tradition as well the arts. In the free time on the weekends, I used to travel to other cities in Germany and nearby countries as part of learning about other cultures.

Generally, I am satisfied with the academic knowledge, skills and experiences of Environmental Management I got from both the University of Bonn and United Nations University. It will be helpful in Tanzania to improve our mitigation measures and adaptation strategies toward the minimization of pollution and waste. I wish in the future that I can come again to learn more and exchange my experiences and skills with other students or people from other multidisciplinary environmental management skills.

Program: Erasmus+ worldwide
Home university: Mzumbe University, Mzumbe (Tanzania)
Time of stay: Summer Semester 2024

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