Global Exchange Program

I had a fantastic experience in Bonn

Global Exchange Program experience of Allison Marie Bell, student from USA

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© Allison Marie Bell (privat)

Allison Marie Bell

I participated in the Global Exchange Program at the University of Bonn in the Summer Semester of 2024. I study both Linguistics and German Studies at my home university the University of Kansas, USA, and I wanted to be immersed in German culture and language in order to enhance both my German education, as well as for my own personal growth. My home university had an established program with the University of Bonn, so when I inquired about studying abroad in Germany, I was introduced to the Global Exchange Program. My home university worked with the University of Bonn through the Global Exchange Program in order to give me the necessary information to study abroad, including housing information, credit transfer, how to sign up for classes, funding opportunities, and more.

I arrived in Germany in March 2024. The International Office at the University of Bonn was very helpful and accommodating upon my arrival. They were able to help me move into my accommodation, give me tips for getting around the city, point me towards important places such as the main university building and the city center, as well as show me the way to my dormitory. I stayed in Endenicher Allee 17, which is a dormitory run by the Studierendenwerk. There were many other international students living in the same dormitory and it was set up so that I had a private room with a shared kitchen and bathrooms. The location of the dormitory was fantastic. It was within walking distance to almost everywhere I needed to go on a regular basis, including the city center, my class buildings, the International Office, and several grocery stores. There is also a bus stop located just in front of the accommodation, allowing for several different travel options.

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© Allison Marie Bell (private)

 My primary academic goal was to improve my language proficiency, so before I arrived in Germany, I signed up for the Intensive Language Course before the start of the semester. I would highly recommend this to anyone interested in improving their language skills or anyone who wants to feel more confident using German in their day-to-day life. I selected the rest of my courses in the month before my classes began, focusing on German language courses, including a pronunciation course, a grammar course, and an everyday language course. Additionally, I selected two courses from the main university catalog that interested me. The university structure is quite different from that of my home university. Rather than having assignments and participation throughout the semester, our grades rely solely or mostly on one exam at the end of the semester, allowing for more flexibility throughout the lecture period, but a bit more stress during exams at the end. I was also able to make several friends in both my language courses as well as the normal university courses.

Bonn is a relatively small university city, and it is possible to find both relaxing spots as well as fun things to do in your free time. While there are stereotypes painting Germans as cold or unfriendly, I found the people in Bonn to be kind, friendly, and accommodating. There are many international students in Bonn as well, so you are able to meet people from all around the world and encounter many different perspectives within the city. I enjoyed being able to practice my language skills daily and visiting many of the museums in and around Bonn. There were also several events in the city throughout the semester, including a firework show on the Rhein (Rhein in Flammen) and flea markets. I would highly recommend going to these sorts of events as well as those organized by the university. The International Club puts on many events throughout the whole semester and those are great ways to meet new people and discover the city.

Overall, I had a fantastic experience in Bonn, and I would love to return to Germany in the near future. If I were to do something differently, I would work on my language skills more before arriving in order to feel better prepared to function day-to-day in German as well as come prepared to deal with homesickness. It is important to check in with your friends and family back home while also not letting homesickness keep you from having new experiences while abroad. Going abroad through the Global Exchange Program is a wonderful way to experience life abroad while having extensive support and people to help you along the way. I would highly encourage anyone considering going abroad to do so!

Program: Global Exchange Program
Home university: University of Kansas, Kansas (USA)
Time of stay: Summer Semester 2024

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