External Advisory Services
The causes of doubts about studying are varied and individual. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all solution and no one right way. In order to find the right path for you, it can be worth thinking “outside the box”. Our external partners can advise you on dual degree programs, vocational training, career opportunities not requiring a university degree and much more. The following overview is intended to help find the right advice for you.
You will also find a broad network of advisory services1 at the University of Bonn itself that can help with doubts about your studies.
Outside these consultation hours, you are welcome to send an email to bonn.berufsberatung@arbeitsagentur.de. Please indicate briefly why you are getting in touch and include a phone number on which you can be contacted.
Vocational training as an alternative to university studies
If you are interested in vocational training and subsequent career opportunities, our partners at the Chamber of Crafts, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Notaries’ Association and the Bar Association will be happy to advise you. People who withdraw from university are often able to take a shorter training program or participate in special schemes. If you are interested in vocational training in principal but do not yet know what area you want to focus on, or if you are interested in training for a profession that is not represented by the chambers and associations listed here (e.g. in healthcare, social work, the civil service or agriculture), you are welcome to contact the Employment Agency.
Cologne Chamber of Crafts (HWK)
The HWK can advise you on dual training programs and career prospects in craft professions, on reducing the length of your training, on opportunities for professional development during and after your training, and on much more besides. It also arranges training placements and internships.
Contact for students withdrawing from university:
Ulrike Pütz: +49 221 2022-279 | ulrike.puetz@hwk-koeln.de
Bonn/Rhein-Sieg Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)
The IHK can advise you on dual training programs and career prospects in the industry, trade and service sectors.
Its scheme entitled The right candidate for the job (Passgenaue Besetzung) can help you find a suitable profession to train for and the right company to do it at. The “Relaunch your Career” project allows students withdrawing from university to complete reduced-length “turbo training.”
Contacts for students withdrawing from university:
Elvira Fray: +49 228 2284-230 | fray@bonn.ihk.de
Heiko Oberlies: +49 228 2284-197 | oberlies@bonn.ihk.de
Cologne Bar Association
The Cologne Bar Association advises on and arranges placements for trainee paralegals in the Aachen/Bonn/Cologne region.
Contact for students withdrawing from university:
Georg Dick: +49 221 9730-2032 | dick@rak-koeln.de
Udo Schäfer: +49 221 9730-1025 | schaefer@rak-koeln.de
Rhine Notaries’ Association
The Rhine Notaries’ Association provides advice on training to become a notary’s assistant.
Contact for students withdrawing from university:
Jeanette van Lier: +49 221 257-5291 | jeanette.vanlier@rhnotk.de
Cologne Chamber of Tax Consultants
The Cologne Chamber of Tax Consultants provides information and advice on training as a Tax Assistant.
Contact for students withdrawing from university:
Daniel Hennes: +49 221 33643 0 | mail@stbk-koeln.de
Federal Central Tax Office
The Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) provides information about the dual study and training program as an entry into the public service with a focus on tax administration.
The Federal Central Tax Office offers the following study and training opportunities:
- Dual study program in financial administration/Diploma Financial Economist/Bachelor of Laws/Tax Administration
- Training in financial administration / Tax Administration / Tax Administrator
Contact for students withdrawing from university:
Judith Bolde: +49 228 406-3317 | ausbildung@bzst.bund.de
Researching your options for switching to another degree program or university

Higher Education Compass
The Higher Education Compass can be a useful tool if you are considering changing university and want to get information and advice on degree programs at other universities. It is a database in which you can search for degree programs and universities across Germany. The extended search function allows you to set numerous filters and thus tailor your search to criteria that are important to you so that you can find your perfect degree program.
Nightline Köln: support and info line run by students for students
Talk about your problems anonymously late into the night. Whether you are facing stress in your studies, day-to-day worries, exam fears, money problems or conflict in a relationship – no issue is too big or too small.
During the lecture period: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 9:00 pm to midnight
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/studium/organisation-des-studiums/studienverlauf/studienzweifel/beratungsangebote-an-der-uni-bonn
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/studying/organizing-your-studies/during-your-studies/doubts-about-your-studies/doubts-about-your-studies#drop-in-sessions
- https://www.hwk-koeln.de/berufe/liste-32,1073,bazlist.html
- https://www.rhnotk.de/ausbildung
- https://www.ihk-bonn.de/index.php?id=2652
- https://www.rak-koeln.de/Ausbildung/
- http://rnotk.de/ausbildung/berufsziel-notarfachangestellte-r
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W82Xf9m3aQ8
- https://www.stbk-koeln.de/berufswege/steuerfachangestellter/
- https://www.stbk-koeln.de/berufswege/steuerfachangestellter/ausbildungsplatzboerse-der-kammer-koeln/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm-xZDPDuoA
- https://karriere.bzst.de/Karriere/Ausbildung/ausbildung_node.html?mtm_campaign=md_fin&mtm_kwd=sea&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyYbbyPTe-AIV24xoCR3M3AsYEAAYASAAEgJ-y_D_BwE
- https://www.hochschulkompass.de/studium/studiengangsuche/erweiterte-studiengangsuche.html
- http://www.nightline-koeln.de/