Sharing and networking
While many students feel like they are the only ones experiencing doubts about their academic choices made, more than half of all students actually reach this point eventually. On this page, we have compiled reports from (former) students who faced similar situations. The “Studienzweifel” group on Slack allows you to share personal experiences and network with others.

Stories from (former) students with doubts about their studies
How different and diverse study doubts can be and how things can go on are shared by (former) student doubters in videos and blog posts. There are also many tips and self-help offers for those who have doubts about their studies.
You are not alone with doubts about your studies!
Many students have doubts about their studies at some point. Sometimes the doubts are only temporary, but there are also doubts that remain and grow stronger. Ceyda, Farina and Florian talk about their doubts and how they dealt with them.
Ceyda - Studienwechselerin
Bild © Zentrale Studienberatung der Universität Bonn / YouTube
Farina - Studienzweiflerin
Bild © Zentrale Studienberatung der Universität Bonn / YouTube
Florian - Studienaussteiger
Bild © Zentrale Studienberatung der Universität Bonn / YouTube
Theresa Fabian
Lea Jenkner