It’s good to talk

Support options

There can be many reasons to feel unhappy or have problems in your studies, and a good solution is not always immediately obvious.

A consultation is a useful first step in order to establish the reasons behind your current situation and your options for moving forward. The University of Bonn boasts an extensive network of counseling services with people to contact for a range of different issues. The following overview is intended to help find the right advice for you.

You will also find a broad network of advisory services1 outside the University that can help with doubts about your studies.

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service

The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service supports students who are just getting their bearings, going through a period of re-orientation or encountering personal problems making it harder for them to study. As the office responsible for coordinating the University of Bonn’s network of counseling services, it liaises closely with the faculties and University service points and puts students in touch with the right contacts within and outside the University as required.

Study advice with and without appointment

The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service offers drop-in sessions to discuss doubts about your studies, which can be attended anonymously and without registration. Alternatively, appointments can be made for individual counselling.

Psychological Counseling

Psychological challenges can (also) play a role in a person’s doubts about their studies.

Psychological Counseling at the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service provides support for issues including personal challenges and crises, stress and self-management, and dealing with exams and exam anxiety.

General Students’ Committee (AStA)

AStA provides advice and other services relating to a wide range of issues. Most of the counseling is given by students, who can also refer people on to specialists (e.g. psychologists and lawyers). The counseling covers topics such as welfare advice, financing your studies, psychosocial counseling, studying with a disability or chronic illness, studying with children, and much more.


Endenicher Allee 19
- Container -
53115 Bonn

Career Service

The Career Service offers support in professional orientation and career planning for students of the University of Bonn. It can also support them in case of any doubts, e.g. to determine whether their current degree program still fits their career plans or what their career options are if they are experiencing uncertainty. The Career Center runs consultations and events on starting a career.


Poppelsdorfer Allee 47
53115 Bonn

© Mikhail Nilov, Pexels

Subject-specific study advisory services

You can contact the subject-specific study advisory services if you have any questions about your degree program in particular. This can also be a sensible thing to do if your personal study journey is turning out to be different from your peers’ and, for example, you are struggling to keep up with the pace of your studies, are having to repeat your exams or are unsure whether your chosen academic discipline still fits your interests or career plans.

© Ivan Samkov, Pexels

Student representation

A department’s student body is made up of the students enrolled in a particular academic discipline. Their interests are represented by the student council in internal an external matters. The student councils also provide support in case of problems with faculty, help with subject-related questions and give room for interaction with your fellow students.

Office for Family Services

The Office for Family Services can help you answer questions about studying with children or care responsibilities.

© Alexandr Podvalny, Pexels
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Online coaching for doctoral students

You are a doctoral student at the University of Bonn, are facing a major challenge during your doctorate and wish you had some help and advice to finally move on? Then coaching may be right for you!


Various advisory services are based at the Studierendenwerk: psychological counseling, writing assistance and advice for students with an impairment. You can also come to the Studierendenwerk with questions about BAföG and view a student job board.

Student Registry

The Student Registry is responsible for handling applications, admission and enrollment for German and international students. It deals with requests for leaves of absence, deregistrations, changes to personal details and replacement documents and manages the payment of semester fees.


Poppelsdorfer Allee 49
53115 Bonn

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Fauxels, Pexels

Students with health impairments

The Representative for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses at the University of Bonn can give you advice on any questions or issues relating to studying with an impairment, particularly on compensation for disadvantages during your studies, course work and examinations.

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