Transferring to another academic discipline or university
You are considering a transfer to another academic discipline or university but are unsure what needs to be taken into account and how to best proceed? On this page, you will find extensive information on transferring to another academic discipline or university. Please contact the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service1 if you have any questions or need support.
Information and research
- Higher Education Compass2: Researching the range of degree programs offered all over Germany
- Degree programs at the University of Bonn3
34333 - Examination and study regulations at the University of Bonn4454
- Subject-specific study advisory services at the University of Bonn5
56 - Student councils at the University of Bonn667
5 - The academic departments often provide module guides and study schedules on their websites
Looking into latest admission restrictions (with/without admission restrictions) and applicable admission procedures for your chosen academic discipline at the time of your planned transfer.
- Degree programs at the University of Bonn33: Admission restrictions and limits343333
- Admission procedures at the University of Bonn77
7786666 - Application portal 88and Application Guide99 of the University of Bonn
- Hochschulstart1010: Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure (DoSV) and Central Admission Procedure (ZV)
9 - Bei geplantem Hochschulwechsel auf den Webseiten der gewünschten Zielhochschule
- Application and enrollment deadlines at the University of Bonn11
1210 - For transfers to other universities, check target university websites
Bei geplantem Hochschulwechsel auf den Webseiten der gewünschten ZielhochschuleBei geplantem Hochschulwechsel auf den Webseiten der gewünschten ZielhochschuleBei geplantem Hochschulwechsel auf den Webseiten der gewünschten Zielhochschule9
Important note
This page is providing general information on transferring to another academic discipline or university. Additional criteria may apply and additional documentation may be required in certain cases. Procedures may vary from university to university. Please be sure to get in touch with your respective target university/department.
Recognition of academic achievements and application
- Print a transcript of records (record of completed course work and examinations) for your current academic discipline (from BASIS) and have it certified by the responsible examination authority 12/ subject-specific study advisory service5 for your current academic discipline.
- Obtain a placement recommendation / certificate of recognition by presenting your transcript of records to the examination authority12 / subject-specific study advisory service5 for your target discipline (at the target university).
- Where coursework and examinations are recognized, the examination authority issues a certificate of recognition.
- We recommend that you verify possible recognition of coursework and examinations even if you plan on transferring to the same academic discipline at another university – academic disciplines may cover different content despite having the same designation.
- In most degree programs, you must inform the examination authority about failed examinations and failed final attempts at examinations in the academic discipline at hand or an academic discipline with substantial similarities in content upon enrollment and/or registration for the bachelor’s/master’s examination or a module examination.
- Failing the final attempt at an examination does not necessarily mean that you will be banned from continuing your studies in the respective discipline. The decision on whether and under which conditions you may continue your studies in a related academic discipline is made on a case-by-case basis.
- In case of transferring to another university, the target university may request a certificate of good standing from your current university.
If your target academic discipline is subject to admission restrictions, you will always need to file an application, even if you are only transferring to another program option.
Applicants without the equivalent qualifications of a German applicant13 must also apply for academic disciplines without restricted admission.
At the University of Bonn, you may apply for the first or a higher program-related semester, provided that you have obtained a relevant placement recommendation / certificate of recognition. This may increase your chances of being admitted.
- Applying for the first program-related semester9 (placement in higher program-related semester possible if placement recommendation / certificate of recognition is presented)
- Applying for a higher program-related semester14 (placement recommendation/certificate of recognition must be presented)
In academic disciplines with restricted admission to higher program-related semesters, you can only be admitted if places are available after the re-registration deadline.

- If you have successfully applied for an academic discipline with restricted admission, you can enroll for this discipline during the period indicated in your letter of admission.
- The University of Bonn does not request applications for academic disciplines without admission restrictions. Please note the applicable enrollment deadlines11.
- Information on transferring to another academic discipline or degree program15 within the University of Bonn.
- Information on enrollment16 at the University of Bonn for transfer students from other universities.
- Please contact the Student Registry17 if you have questions on enrollment at or transfers within the University of Bonn.

Notes on BAföG
Transferring to another academic discipline or university may impact the amount and term of your BAföG grant. A one-time transfer to another academic discipline within the first four program-related semesters is usually possible without losing entitlement to your grant. Please be sure to contact the BAföG Office18 in good time to discuss your individual situation.
- Transferring to an academic discipline in the fourth program-related semester requires a written statement providing important reasons for the transfer.
- When transferring in the fifth or a higher program-related semester, you will usually only continue to be entitled to your grant if you transfer on imperative grounds (i.e. an occurring disability/illness due to which you are unable to continue your studies and/or take up your aspired career).
- In case of additional transfers for important reasons, your studies may no longer be eligible for full financial support in the form of a financial allowance (“Zuschuss”) or interest-free government grant (“zinsloses Staatsdarlehen”). In any case, you will need to submit a written statement providing an important reason for additional transfers.
- Changing program options (e.g. from the Dual-Subject to the Major and Minor option in a bachelor‘s degree program) may be considered a transfer as well.
- The legal basis is established in the Federal Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz), § 7 para. 3.
- The AStA at the University of Bonn offers legal advice19.
Doubts about your studies
If you are having doubts about your studies or are considering transferring to another degree program or withdrawing from university altogether, you will find a range of advisory and support services on this page. The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service will support you in finding your way.