Transitioning to a Professional Career
The University of Bonn helps students and graduates transition from university to a career by providing support already during their studies. This takes the form of advice sessions, workshops and various events focused on career guidance.

Career Service
The Career Service is the first place students should go if they have any questions about career guidance or starting a career.
International students can get more information about embarking on a career in Germany from the International Office.

Alumni Network
With the Alumni Network, your university wants to stay in touch with you, tell you about the latest developments at your alma mater and, of course, find out how you have been getting on since you left the University of Bonn.
Career Forum
The Career Forum series, run in partnership with the Career Center and interested departments, invites graduates from a University of Bonn degree program to speak about their career so far and their experiences of choosing a profession and applying for jobs.
“Master’s or No Master’s: What’s Next After the Bachelor’s?”
You are nearing the end of your bachelor’s studies. This workshop provides you with an overview of the various options you may pursue after you finish your bachelor’s degree. The goal is to empower you to make an informed decision for or against pursuing a master’s degree.

enaCom Transfer Center
The enaCom Transfer Center in the University’s Research and Innovation Services division is the place to go for anything connected with knowledge and technology transfer, both for University of Bonn members and for anyone interested in working with us.
Femtec: Career development for female STEM students
You are studying mathematics, computer science, engineering or natural sciences? Are you enthusiastic about new technology? Do you want an exciting and responsible professional future? Then Femtec is the right place for you! Femtec's Career-Building Programme prepares you for future leadership roles in business or science and is dedicated to individual career planning. Applications are open to all female students of STEM fields in their master's studies. The programme starts twice a year, the application portal opens at the beginning of each semester for a programme start in the following semester break.
See also
If you wish to discontinue your studies at the University of Bonn, you should deregister as a student.
Documenting your studies
You can use the following documents to provide evidence of your studies at the University of Bonn to the authorities or other institutions.