
Next Stop: Job

Important information

Please note: The event is held in German unless you will find the information that the event is held in English.

Are you a student or graduate and are looking to meet potential employers from the region?

Next stop: Job brings together companies with students and provides information about vacancies, trainee programs and much more. The regional economic development agencies and universities in the region invite you to find out about fascinating professions and jobs in the region.

Admission is free-of-charge; the event is highly informative!

Run since 2015, this event is a joint undertaking between the Rhein-Sieg district, the City of Bonn, the district of Ahrweiler, employers and a consortium of five universities including the University of Bonn.

Information for employers:

Companies interested in introducing themselves to students from the five universities in the region should contact us. We look forward to enabling you to introduce yourself to potential future interns, part-time workers and employees, either in person or online at our event “Next stop: Job”. Please note, this is not a job fair.


Juliane Kozdras
Tel.: 0228/774437
E-Mail: Juliane.Kozdras@bonn.de
Bundesstadt Bonn
Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung
Stabsstelle Wissenschaft
Thomas-Mann-Strasse 4 
53111 Bonn

Marvin Höweler
Tel.: 02241/132777
E-Mail: Marvin.Hoeweler@rhein-sieg-kreis.de
Referat Wirtschaftsförderung und Strategische Kreisentwicklung
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1
53721 Siegburg

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