Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V.

Wissenschaftsladen Bonn provides valuable services to students and graduates looking to start or reorient their career. It focuses particularly on generalists, i.e. humanities and social sciences scholars, as well as academics with an environmental protection and nature conservation background.

The services provided by the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn include:

  • A comprehensive program of career guidance seminars and seminars relating to a range of key qualifications in the WILA education center
  • A jobs database containing handpicked vacancies (formerly “WILA Arbeitsmarkt”)
  • An online magazine featuring articles all about career entry and careers in general (formerly “WILA Arbeitsmarkt”)

Some parts of the jobs database and the online magazine are available for anyone to access at www.wila-arbeitsmarkt.de. You will need to subscribe in order to view the full jobs database and online magazine.

The Bonn University and State Library holds a campus license for the e-paper (jobs database and online magazine) for the benefit of its users.

WILA Arbeitsmarkt Logo
© WILA Bonn

Contact information services:

WILA Arbeitsmarkt
Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V.
Reuterstr. 157
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49-(0)228/20161-0
E-Mail: info@wilabonn.de

Contact for the seminar program:

WILA Education Center
Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e.V.
Reuterstraße 157
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49-(0)228/20161-66
Email: info@wila-bildungszentrum.de

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