Preliminary Course "Chemistry (major)"
The preliminary course in chemistry is designed to prepare participants for university-level study. This is done by recapping important knowledge and methods that were covered in high school and will be required in the university classroom. Beyond that, however, participants will also practice learning strategies and approaches for dealing with contents, problems and assignments that are indispensable for a successful university career, in chemistry and other fields.
Course description
The following topics are covered in this course.
- Mathematics
- Proficiency in mental arithmetic (at least tables up to ten)
- Fractions
- Rule of three/ratios
- Powers and roots
- Quadratic equations, binomial formulas, quadratic addition, pq-formula
- Polynomials
- Functions: Power function, root function, polynomial functions, exponential function, logarithm function, trigonometric functions, ...
- Transforming equations
- Differential calculus (incl. product rule, quotient rule, chain rule)
- Integral calculus (especially "area under a curve," integration as "inverse differentiation")
- Vector calculus (scalar product, cross product, straight line representations, plane representations, ...)
- Chemistry
- Stoichiometric calculation (structure of matter from atoms, amount of substance, molar mass, concentration, ...)
- Gas laws (ideal gas equation, partial pressures, stoichiometry in gas reactions, ...)
- Mass action law (gas reactions, reactions in solution, reactions involving solids/solvents, Le Chatelier's principle, solubility product, ...).
- Acids and bases (Brönsted acid-base definition, pH-value, strong and weak acids/bases, pKS-/pKB-value, degree of dissociation, buffers, ...)
- Atomic structure, periodic table (nucleus, electron shell, quantum numbers, trends in the periodic table, ...)
- Chemical compounds (ionic compounds, covalent compounds, structure of simple ionic compounds and of molecular compounds, ...)
- Electrochemistry (redox reactions, electrolysis, electrochemical voltage series, Nernst equation, ...)
- Physics
- Dealing with physical quantities, units, equations, ...
- Dealing with measurement data, determining functional relationships
- Basic principles of mechanics (distance, velocity, acceleration, oblique throw, force, kinetic and potential energy, work, power, momentum, circular motion, gravitation, ...)
Basic principles of electromagnetism (charge, current, voltage, resistance, electric work, electric power, capacity, ...)
- Chemistry (BSc)
- Chemistry (Teaching Degree)
- Food Chemistry (State Examination)
Molecular Biomedicine (BSc)
Monday, Sept 5, 2022 to Friday, Sept 30, 2022
9-11 am
Small groups
11 am - 13 pm
You will receive further information after registering for the course
Dr. Ulrich Keßler
Registration for this course starts on August 1.
Questions and answers
Do you have questions? We already have many answers for you!