Study and internships abroad
Experience other teaching methods, extend professional networks and acquire intercultural skills. — Study abroad widens horizons.

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Study abroad
There are different approaches to making your dream of studying abroad a reality.

Internship abroad
Do you want to gain professional experience? Then an internship abroad may be just perfect for you!

Doctorate abroad
A stay abroad can be of tremendous benefit to your research project.

Language courses and short-term programs abroad
If you are looking for an alternative to a long-term stay abroad, please check here.

Organizing a stay abroad
Lots of planning and questions need dealing with when it comes to spending time in a different country.

Certificate of Intercultural Competence
The University of Bonn issues a Certificate of Intercultural Competence to acknowledge extracurricular engagement in international and intercultural fields.
USA / Canada / Australia Evening
Internationaler Club ...
07:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Planning a semester abroad and would like to discuss your plans with others and also hear about experiences from returning exchange students? Keen to meet ...
Intercultural Training (Online in German)
online/ Die Veranstaltung...
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Fähigkeits- und Wertekompass in einer globalisierten Welt
Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft, die von Diversität geprägt ist. Interkulturelle Kompetenz umfasst ...
Asia Evening
Internationaler Club ...
07:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Planning a semester abroad and would like to discuss your plans with others and also hear about experiences from returning exchange students? Keen to meet ...
Intercultural Training (German)
in Präsenz/ International...
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
„Interkulturelle Kommunikation im beruflichen Kontext“
Wir laden Sie herzlich zu einem eintägigen interkulturellen Workshop mit Fokus auf „Interkulturelle ...