Trading Lecture Hall for an Adventure!
Fair SUPA 2024

International Study and Internship Fair 05/15/2024

Once again this year, the International Study and Internship Abroad Fair fair organized by the International Office attracted numerous visitors. The fair offered interested students and pupils the opportunity to obtain extensive information and advice on the topic of studying and internships abroad. External organizations such as the Institut Français, internal university institutions such as the Bonn Center for Teacher Education and student university groups such as the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) were happy to engage in interesting discussions. 

A special highlight were the country booths at the International Study and Internship Abroad Fair. Here, visitors were able to exchange experiences directly with international students and with students who already completed a stay abroad in or outside Europe during their studies, and receive helpful tips. This year, we also had some participants of the “International Staff Week” at the country booths. Thank you to everyone who participated!

The International Office would like to thank you for a successful fair and is already looking forward to next year!

International Study and Internship Fair 05/15/2024

The Fair is held annually as an opportunity for students to gather information on international study and internships. Interested students are able to talk with fellow students who have completed study or an internship abroad about their experiences.

The numerous fair exhibitors include external organizations like the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst and University-internal institutions like the Language Learning Center and international university student associations—the complete spectrum! At country-specific stands manned by students you can get relevant best-practice information.

Have you ever thought about doing an internship abroad? Then don’t miss the informative presentations that will be held at the Fair.

Where is the Fair being held?

Venue: Main auditorium & Arkadenhof at the University of Bonn Main Building

Time: 12:00 pm – 04:30 pm

Presentation program

In Kürze veröffentlichen wir an dieser Stelle das Vortragsprogramm der Messe SUPA 2024.

University Main Building, Lecture Hall III

  • 12:30 pm – 01:00 pm
    Internships abroad—benefits and funding options
    Speaker: Anne Bredendiek/ International Office

  • 01:30 pm – 02:00 pm
    Short presentation on the Global Exchange Program—the University of Bonn’s exchange program for non-EU countries
    Speaker: Laura Cornesse/ International Office

  • 02:15 pm – 02:45 pm
    Short presentation on the PROMOS scholarship program—for self-organized stays abroad
    Speaker: Laura Cornesse/ International Office

University Main Building, main auditorium

  • 03:00 pm
    Award of prizes: “Green Travel” and “Trading Lecture Hall for an Adventure!” photo contest

Hörsaal V

  • 11.30 Uhr – 12.00 Uhr
    Praktika im Ausland — Vorteile und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten
    Referentin: Petra Friedrich/ Dezernat Internationales

  • 12.15 – 12.45 Uhr
    Stipendien für Auslandspraktika im Förderprogramm „Lehramt.International“
    Referentin: Gabriele Parmentier/ DAAD

  • 13.30 – 14.00 Uhr
    IAESTE: Bezahlte Fachpraktika im Ausland
    Referentin: Theresa Strohe/ DAAD und IAESTE LC

Hörsaal VI

  • 12.15 – 12.45 Uhr
    Kurzvortrag Global Exchange Program — das Austauschprogramm der Universität Bonn für das außereuropäische Ausland
    Referentin: Birte Heitmann/ Dezernat Internationales

  • 14.15 – 14.45 Uhr
    Kurzvortrag Stipendienprogramm PROMOS — für selbstorganisierte Auslandsaufenthalte
    Referentin: Birte Heitmann/ Dezernat Internationales

SPECIAL: Photo contest

“Trading Lecture Hall for an Adventure! — A Special Photo from Your Stay Abroad” You have gone on an adventure with your stay abroad, have grown as a person, tested your language skills, explored culture from various angles?

Share with us the most impressive photo from your semester, year or internship abroad.

Photo Contest

Prize-winning pictures from this year’s photo competition by Gereon Tho Pesch (1st prize), Laura Oppelt (2nd prize) and Henri Elsner (3rd prize).


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Hannah Scharf

Study abroad advisory
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