Studying at partner universities

University of Bonn exchange programs

The University of Bonn has exchange programs in place with more than 300 partner universities in over 40 countries around the world.

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Erasmus stay in Europe

Studying or obtaining a doctorate at a European partner university with the Erasmus+ Programme.

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Erasmus stay outside of Europe

Spending one or two semesters at a non-European partner university as a student or doctoral student with the Erasmus+ Programme.

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Global Exchange Program

Studying abroad with the Global Exchange Program without paying tuition at partner universities of the University of Bonn around the world.

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Exchange programs at institute level

In addition to University-wide exchange programs, some departments offer exchanges at institute level.

The benefits of studying abroad


Tuition is waived

Partner universities waive tuition for University of Bonn exchange students.


Financial support

Exchange students are awarded scholarships.


Recognition of study achievements

Going abroad with an exchange program simplifies recognition of study achievements.


Support with getting ready

Information events, workshops and office hours ensure stress-free and structured planning.

A short film by Maike Krebber (Erasmus student 2018/19, Toulouse)


Avatar Trost

Celestina Trost

Study abroad advisory


Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Office hours

Please make an appointment via eCampus5

  • Tuesdays (in person)
    10:00 am - 12:30 pm

  • Thursdays (phone or zoom)
    01:30 pm - 04:00 pm

  • and by appointment
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