Open up New Horizons

Study around the World with Erasmus+

Looking to study or do a doctorate outside Europe on the European Erasmus+ Programme? Well, you can do just that in certain subjects, because individual departments can join forces with universities all over the world on collaborative projects.

The most important information at a glance

Key facts

  • Study or do a doctorate at one of your department’s partner universities outside Europe.
  • Spend two to twelve months abroad (depending on the partner university).
  • No need to pay tuition fees at your partner university, plus receive financial support.
  • Gain recognition for coursework done abroad.
  • Get advice from and apply via your department’s program coordinator.
  • Get help with your preparations from the University of Bonn and support from your host university.
  • Different departments set different application deadlines.

Partner universities

In contrast to the Erasmus+ European exchange program, not all subjects are included in the Erasmus+ worldwide exchange program You also have fewer countries and partner universities to choose from, because only a few selected projects are supported by Erasmus+ worldwide exchange.

Countries, departments and partner universities

(only open to doctoral candidates)


(only open to doctoral candidates)




(open to students and doctoral candidates)



(only open to doctoral candidates)

Department of Geography

(open to students and doctoral candidates)



You can spend up to 12 months abroad with Erasmus+ per study phase (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate) or up to 24 months if you are studying for the state examination. Studying for a second degree does not confer any increased entitlement to receive financial support.

Previous Erasmus traineeships abroad and Erasmus grants from another university will also be taken into account.


  • Place studying at the partner university
  • Mobility allowance for the duration of the study placement
  • Lump-sum contribution to travel expenses.
  • Additional funding to promote equal opportunity and reward “green” travel (see below)
  • €700 per month
  • One-off lump-sum contribution to travel expenses: depends on actual distance traveled; calculated using the Erasmus Distance Calculator.

You will be eligible for an extra €250 a month in funding if:

  1. You have a disability (starting at a disability level (“GdB”) of 20)
  2. You have a proven disability giving rise to additional financial requirements
  3. You have a chronic condition giving rise to additional financial requirements
  4. You will be taking your child abroad: an extra subsidy for studying abroad can be obtained from the Office of Family Services, where you will also find guidelines on studying abroad with a child.
  5. You are a student/doctoral student and hold a job (not self-employment) earning you net monthly income of more than €450 but less than €850
  6. Students who are the first from their household to enter higher education: you are a student/doctoral student whose parents or carers do not hold a degree from a university or university of applied sciences

The following also applies to groups a–d: if you will be facing additional costs of over €250 a month, you can alternatively submit an individual application up to two months before you go abroad (this can also be used for a preparatory trip if you have a disability). 

You will find more details in the information sheet on additional funding (PDF).

If you eschew planes and travel to your host country by train, bus, carsharing or bike instead, you can obtain a higher lump-sum contribution to your travel expenses as well as funding for additional days’ travel. You will be sent more information after your application has been accepted.

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BAföG recipients will receive the standard Erasmus mobility allowance. However, any amount in excess of €300 per month will be taken into account when determining the BAföG. Even if you are not eligible for the BAföG for your degree program in Germany, we still recommend finding out about the International BAföG on the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s “BAföG” web page (German). Exception: additional funding of €250 a month to promote equal opportunity in the event of a disability, a chronic condition or studying abroad with a child (does not apply to students with a job or from a non-academic household). 

You cannot claim a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and an Erasmus grant at the same time.

You cannot claim an Erasmus Mundus grant and an Erasmus allowance at the same time.

If you receive a scholarship from another institution (e.g. foundation, Deutschlandstipendium), you will still receive the standard amount of Erasmus funding. However, you should tell your scholarship provider about your Erasmus grant.




  • You must be studying or doing a doctorate in a subject with a corresponding Erasmus+ worldwide exchange project. 
  • You must be properly enrolled at the University of Bonn and remain so for the duration of your stay abroad. If you are a doctoral student, you can alternatively present proof of your doctorate.
  • Your nationality is irrelevant.
  • You must spend between two and twelve months studying abroad.
  • You must have a sufficient knowledge of the language spoken in your destination country or the language of instruction at your partner university.
  • Please ask the program coordinator in your department about any additional subject-specific criteria.

The maximum length of stay is 12 months for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students or 24 months for those studying for the state examination. Studying for a second degree does not confer any increased entitlement to receive financial support. Previous Erasmus grants (for study and for traineeships) at another university will also be taken into account.

You should apply via the program coordinator in your department, who also sets its internal application deadlines.

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Once you have been selected by your department, you should sign up to the International Office’s portal for exchange programs. The International Office will help you to prepare the organizational aspects of your Erasmus+ stay and pay you your mobility allowance.

Registering with the International Office is a formal requirement imposed by the University of Bonn before your Erasmus grant can be paid out. It applies irrespective of whether or not you have had your name passed on to your host university, which is the responsibility of the program coordinator in your department. You will receive the first installment of your grant no sooner than one month before you start studying abroad.

Online registration


Recognition of coursework and exams

Recognition is very important in the Erasmus Programme and follows clear rules. The Learning Agreement is the main Erasmus document that you are required to fill in together with the person responsible in your department in Bonn and at your partner university before you leave to study abroad. You should enter the courses that you would like to take at your partner university as well as the modules from Bonn that these courses are intended to replace.

Once you return home, you can request recognition for your coursework done abroad from the examination office/ examination board responsible for you by submitting your Learning Agreement and the transcript of records (certificate) from your partner university.

Details on the recognition procedure can be found either on the web pages of your department/institution or by asking your Departmental Coordinator.


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Gudrun Hille

Erasmus Study Abroad (Outgoing)


Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Office hours

Please make an appointment via eCampus

  • Tuesday (in person)
    10:00 am - 12:30 pm

  • Thursday (Call or Zoom)
    01:30 - 04:00 pm

  • and by appointment

The University of Bonn’s participation in the Erasmus Programme is based on the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

© EU

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author bears sole responsibility for the contents of this publication; the Commission accepts no liability for any use made of the information that it contains.

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