PROMOS scholarships for self-organized stays abroad

The University of Bonn awards PROMOS scholarships to students of all subjects for stays abroad lasting up to six months.

The program

PROMOS (short for “Programm zur Steigerung der Mobilität von Studierenden deutscher Hochschulen”, or “program to improve the mobility of students at German universities”) is a mobility program which offers financial aid to students (and some doctoral candidates) of all subjects. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, it allows the University of Bonn to support self-organized stays abroad that are relevant to the students’ studies by granting them scholarships for up to six months.

Secure your funding for

  • Semesters and internships abroad in a non-Erasmus+ Program country (Erasmus+ Program countries1)
  • Research stays as part of a bachelor’s or master’s thesis anywhere in the world
  • Language courses and short-term academic programs (summer/ winter schools) worldwide

PROMOS 2024 and 2025

Applications for 2025 are now open. 

Information on the program and the application process can be found on this website and the related application web page. 


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Application criteria

In addition to the conditions of the specific line of funding3, you must also meet the following general application criteria:

  • You must be enrolled at the University of Bonn as a student or doctoral candidate at the time you apply as well as for the entire duration of your planned stay (exception: funding line internship)*:
  • Bachelor’s and state exam students must have completed at least one program-related semester
  • Master’s students can apply at any time during their studies
  • Doctoral candidates can only apply for the funding lines language course or subject-related course (summer/ winter school) (medical students who complete their doctorate during the course of their studies are regarded as students rather than doctoral candidates and can therefore apply for all lines of funding.)
  • Good to very good academic performance
  • Evidence of at least B1 standard in the language of instruction used in the workplace (certificate may be no older than three years; no proof of language proficiency is required for the “language course” line of funding)

* Students and doctoral candidates who are not German nationals and who are pursuing a degree program at the University of Bonn can only apply for projects outside their home country, which is defined as the country in which they have largely resided over the past five years at least.

General requirements for your stay abroad

When considering an application, the relevant time period you need to document is the precise duration of your project regardless of the actual length of stay which might exceed it (due to an early arrival, private extension or other personal plans).

Your project

  • Must start between January 01 and December 31,
  • Must meet or exceed the minimum project duration of the funding line for which you are applying,
  • Cannot last longer than six months, with the following exceptions:
  • Language course: no more than six weeks
  • Thesis for bachelor’s students: no more than three months

Please note that funding can only be granted up to February 28 of the following year as a basic principle even if your stay exceeds this deadline.

For each study phase funding is available for up to six months (if you receive three months’ funding for an internship, for example, you will still have three months’ worth left to cover writing a thesis, should you apply again before graduating). Once you enter a new study phase, e.g. a master’s, you can apply for another six-month tranche of funding. Language courses and short-term academic programs do not count toward the total length of funding.

Application deadlines

The PROMOS program is tied to the calendar year rather than the academic year. There are usually two rounds of applications:

  • Applications for projects starting in the first half of the year (January to June) must be submitted by the first deadline (usually in January).
  • The second application deadline (usually in late May/ early June) is for projects in the second half of the year (from July onward).

Application deadlines in 2024

  • Projects starting between January 01 and June 30, 2025: January 05, 2025
  • Projects starting between July 01 and December 31, 2025: June 01, 2025

Application procedure

Applications are submitted via our Mobility-Online application portal. You can find detailed information on the application process as well as the necessary documents on the corresponding web page.

Funding and performance

Which projects are funded?

Funding is available for:


Stays abroad on a departmental exchange program (Institutsaustausch) qualify for funding even if they last up to 12 months unless the exchange takes place as part of Erasmus+, Erasmus worldwide or SEMP (the Swiss European Mobility Programme). However, please note that participants whose tuition is waived due to taking part in such an exchange program will receive a one-off grant equivalent to one and a half monthly installments regardless of the actual length of one's stay (equivalent to the funding for students studying abroad within the Global Exchange Program). 

Funding is not available for:

  • Self-organized stays abroad lasting over six months: please apply to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for a one-year scholarship4
  • Exchanges via the Global Exchange Program5: you will automatically receive a one-off grant if you have not been awarded another kind of scholarship for your stay abroad. Although this grant is paid out of PROMOS funds, you do not need to apply for it separately (Exception: students taking part in the American University’s Washington Semester Program.)
  • Stays abroad as part of Erasmus+, Erasmus worldwide or the SEMP

Funding is available for:

  • Internships in a non-Erasmus+ Program country1
  • Preferably compulsory internships
  • Voluntary internships approved by your department as being useful for your subje
  • Stays abroad forming part of the practical year (PJ)6 for medical students
  • Project length: between six weeks (42 days) and six months; however, funding will only be granted for three months at most


Students who have completed their bachelor’s degree but not yet started their master's are also eligible to apply. They will need to provide evidence of their application for a master’s program or preliminary proof of their admission to such a program at the University of Bonn.

Funding is not available for:

  • Internships for which you will be paid an amount equal to or higher than the monthly scholarship payment
  • Internships (traineeships) as part of Erasmus+, Erasmus worldwide or the SEMP
  • Internships that qualify for other grant programs run by the DAAD; you can find a complete list in the DAAD scholarship database7 if you select “Vorhaben” (“Projects”) and then “Praktikum” (“Internship”). Here is an overview of the DAAD’s most popular funding programs for internships:
  • IAESTE internships8
  • The Carlo Schmid Program9 for internships at international organizations and EU institutions
  • RISE Worldwide10 for students of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geosciences, engineering, computer science, medicine, pharmacy or related subjects
  • School-based internships abroad for trainee teachers11
  • Internships at organizations/institutions for which the DAAD offers the Kurzzeitpraktika im Ausland12 (“Short-term internships abroad”) program, i.e. German missions abroad, international organizations recognized under international law, German schools abroad (not schools that teach the Deutsches Sprachdiplom (DSD) or so-called FIT schools), Goethe Institutes, German Archaeological Institutes, Max Weber Foundation institutes and other selected institutions promoting German cultural policy abroad

Funding is available for:

  • Necessary stays abroad that enable you to prepare or write parts of your bachelor’s, master’s or state examination thesis
  • Project length: at least one month (30 days); bachelor’s degree students: no more than three months; master’s degree/state examination students: no more than six months

Funding may be available for:

Writing your thesis at one of your department’s Erasmus+ partner universities if funding through an Erasmus+ study13 placement is not available. You will need to clear your project with your department in advance and enclose corresponding confirmation with your application.

Funding is not available for:

  • Lab courses in Europe: please apply for funding under the Erasmus+ Traineeship program14
  • Stays that involve attending regular courses at your host university: please apply for financial support in the funding line study
  • Projects for which you will be paid an amount equal to or higher than the monthly scholarship payment

This line of funding is also open to doctoral candidates.

Funding is available for:

  • Intensive language courses at state universities or established language schools abroad
  • Course must be relevant to your studies or doctorate
  • Priority given to Asian and Eastern European languages as well as Portuguese and French
  • Workload: at least 25 hours of lessons a week
  • Project length: between three weeks and six months

Funding is not available for:

  • English language courses
  • Language courses designed to prepare you for an Erasmus+ study placement; students on such a placement will usually be able to take an online language course.

This line of funding is also open to doctoral candidates.

Funding is available for:

  • Short-term academic programs such as summer or winter schools, i.e. intensive academic programs at state or state-accredited universities anywhere in the world
  • priority given to courses earn you credits
  • Project length (i.e. actual length of your course): between twelve days and six weeks

You can find a list of available short-term academic programs that are offered by partner universities of the University of Bonn on the language courses and short-term programs abroad15 web page.


  • Stays that are shorter than the minimum or longer than the maximum length required (see the corresponding funding line for details)
  • Projects for which you will be paid an amount equal to or higher than the monthly scholarship payment
  • Study placements at institutions with which the University of Bonn has an exchange agreement that covers the relevant subject (Global Exchange Program, Departmental Exchange Program ("Institutsaustausch") or Erasmus+)
  • Study placements and internships (“traineeships”) in an Erasmus+ Program country1
  • Stays abroad in countries or regions for which the Federal Foreign Office has issued a travel warning16: please find out about the situation in your destination country before you apply
  • For non-German students: stays in their home country, which the DAAD defines as the country in which the student or doctoral candidate has largely resided over the past five years at least
  • Other stays eligible for funding via DAAD programs17, even if you have already applied for a DAAD scholarship and been turned down

Current restrictions:

  • The DAAD is not accepting applications from students or researchers from Germany for trips to Russia or Belarus.
  • Applications for DAAD scholarships in Ukraine cannot be submitted at this time due to the current high-risk situation.

Scholarship benefits

Depending on the line of funding, recipients will be paid a one-off “mobility allowance” as a lump sum to cover their travel expenses, a monthly “living allowance” and/or contributions to their course fees. Please read the following list of scholarship benefits which is broken down by funding line. The amount of each allowance will depend on your destination country. The respective funding rates can be found in the PDF PROMOS-Fördersätze18 (funding rates; only available in German, please refer to column “Teilstipendium Aufenthalt”).

If your chosen grant program pays a “living allowance,” this will be calculated based on 30 days, i.e. one full month. Beyond the minimum funding period, half the monthly allowance will be paid from day 15 onward and the full allowance from day 28 onward in 2024. Days spent purely traveling to your destination and back home do not count. No more than six monthly payments can be made for some grant programs.

The PROMOS selection committee reserves the right to make adjustments in the event of exceptional circumstances concerning funds or applicants. There is no legal claim to a PROMOS scholarship.

  • One-off “mobility allowance” as a lump sum to cover travel expenses
  • Monthly “living allowance"

The amount of each allowance depends on your destination country. The respective funding rates can be found in the PDF PROMOS-Fördersätze18 (funding rates; only available in German, please refer to the column “Teilstipendium Aufenthalt”). If there are sufficient funds, a tuition grant (up to the amount of the partial tuition grant (“Teilstipendium Stipendien”) and not more than 25%) may be awarded, but this is not likely in 2024.


  • Students applying to spend time abroad on a departmental exchange program will receive a lump-sum grant equivalent to one funding installment (PROMOS funding rates18: refer to column “Teilstipendium Aufenthalt” (living allowance), regardless of how long their stay actually lasts. The amount of the funding varies from country to country, and no “mobility allowance” is available.
  • If you plan on studying in Australia or New Zealand, you may also be able to apply for a Down Under subsidy19 to help cover your tuition fees.
  • One-off “mobility allowance” as a lump sum to cover travel expenses
  • Monthly “living allowance”; maximum funding period: three months

The amount of each allowance depends on your destination country. The respective funding rates can be found in the PDF PROMOS-Fördersätze18 (funding rates; only available in German, please refer to the column “Teilstipendium Aufenthalt”).

Please note that you will not be eligible for any funding if your internship pays an amount equal to or higher than the monthly living allowance.

  • One-off “mobility allowance” as a lump sum to cover travel expenses
  • Monthly “living allowance”; maximum funding period for bachelor’s students: three months

The amount of each allowance depends on your destination country. The respective funding rates can be found in the PDF PROMOS-Fördersätze18 (funding rates; only available in German, please refer to the column “Teilstipendium Aufenthalt”).

  • One-off “mobility allowance” as a lump sum to cover travel expenses
  • No monthly “living allowance”
  • Contribution to course fees of up to €500

The amount of each allowance depends on your destination country. The respective funding rates can be found in the PDF PROMOS-Fördersätze18 (funding rates; only available in German, please refer to the column “Teilstipendium Aufenthalt”).


The PROMOS scholarship program allows students and doctoral candidates with a disability or chronic condition to apply for extra financial assistance to help cover proven additional expenses. In order to calculate the additional support (e.g. for traveling abroad, traveling around once they have arrived, their accommodation abroad, medical care, specific teaching materials), the expenses incurred by a person without a disability or chronic condition are compared to those faced by someone with a disability or chronic condition. Expenses can only be claimed if they are not already being covered by another body or organization.

Financial assistance of up to €10,000 can be provided for up to six months to cover additional expenses (including expenses for a companion). Please note that whether you receive any such funding (and how much you are granted) is not decided by the University of Bonn. Upon receiving your application, the International Office forwards all necessary documents to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) which will then evaluate and process your claim.

A separate application is required for this additional form of financial assistance for each person and each mobility measure. Processing the claim takes at least two months so please get in touch with us as early as possible and definitely before the general PROMOS application deadline.

The following can be combined with PROMOS:

  • BAföG and AuslandsBAföG (BAföG for stays abroad)
  • Deutschlandstipendium scholarship
  • Scholarships from private foundations
  • Scholarships paid out of German public funds if they are not already supporting your stay abroad financially. Please ask your scholarship provider whether it is funding your stay abroad and to what extent you can combine your scholarship with PROMOS funding. When you apply for PROMOS funding, you will need to demonstrate that your other scholarship provider is not financially supporting your project abroad.

The following cannot be combined with PROMOS:

  • Scholarships paid out of German public funds that are already funding your stay abroad
  • Other DAAD scholarships
  • Grants under the Erasmus+ Programme

Latest updates

Signal drop-in session

Short advice session on PROMOS scholarships via Signal: every Friday, 09:30 to 11:30 am

Applications for 2025

Applications for projects that begin between July and December of 2025 may be submitted until June 01.

Signal drop-in session

Short advice session on PROMOS scholarships via Signal: every Friday, 09:30 to 11:30 am

Informational event regarding the PROMOS scholarship program

On April 16, 2025 at 03:00 pm there will be a (German) info session on the PROMOS scholarship program. Access to zoom is available via the University of Bonn’s calendar on the day of the event.

Applications for 2025

Applications for projects that begin between July and December of 2025 may be submitted until June 01, 2025.


Avatar Cornesse

Laura Cornesse



Poppelsdorfer Allee 53

53115 Bonn

Office hours

 Please make an appointment via eCampus24

© …

The funding for PROMOS scholarships is provided to the University of Bonn by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from money made available by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). This means that the DAAD also imposes criteria on the universities governing the awarding of the scholarships.

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