A healthy University
Healthy Campus Bonn

Studying, researching, teaching and working together in good health

Your health is important to us! Working in collaboration with a range of cooperation partners, we provide a range of free-of-charge health-related information and services and organize events focusing on physical, mental and social health. Together, we consider the conditions of work and study at the University of Bonn and take steps to ensure a healthy environment.
Seeking to foster a culture of needs-driven continual improvement, we are dependent on your feedback and input to achieve our goal of a truly “Healthy Campus”.

Tell us what the problem is - University of Bonn staff are asked to submit feedback regarding the issue of healthy working practices, which the University incorporated in the development of targeted measures to ensure good, health-conscious working conditions.

Learn more (German web page)1

Focusing on us

A detailed summary of the process and status of the survey is available here.

Learn more2

Doctoral researchers at the University of Bonn are requested to take part in a stress management intervention study. The results of the study will be deployed to develop and run a long-term stress management seminar for doctoral researchers enrolled at the University of Bonn.

We have summarized all the important information about the study and the seminar here.

Learn more3

We provide regular updates on Facebook 431and Instagram542 about mental health, exercise and healthy eating.

Logo Healthy Campus Bonn
© Lina To

Latest updates

Target group: Employees of the University of Bonn

Language: German

Date: Thursday, April 03, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Do you have to read a lot in your professional life and do you find this to be a time waster or a stress factor? In this seminar you will learn how to increase your reading speed and improve your understanding of the text. You will learn different techniques of speed reading and practice them directly. You will be surprised how much faster you can read, understand and memorize texts.

Registration and further information you can find here6.

Target group: Employees of the University of Bonn

Language: German

Dates for the seminar in the afternoon: 
Part 1: Thursday, May 02, 2024
Part 2: Wednesday, June 04, 2025
Each from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed in your everyday working life because you have to gather and process a lot of different information under time pressure? Or do you find it difficult to remember things? Then get to know holistic memory training and give your brain a boost.

Registration and further information you can find here7.

Target group: Employees of the Unviersity of Bonn

Language: English and German

Date: From March 25 to April 03, 2025 | various offerings and times

With the Digital Health Days 2025, Techniker Krankenkasse invites all employees of the University of Bonn to benefit from a varied, digital program. Look forward to exciting live seminars, interactive workshops and valuable impulses that will strengthen your health and well-being. Best of all, everyone can attend free of charge! You can put together your own individual program and immediately integrate what you have learned into your everyday life.

You can choose from various topics and dates and register for the courses that interest you. 

Further information and all offers can be found on the Techniker Krankenkasse8 website. 

Healthy Campus Bonn Week
(May 05. - 09, 2025)

The Healthy Campus Bonn Week takes place twice a year. In cooperation with other actors, a colourful range of health-related activities is offered. Whether it's a nutrition quiz, body composition analysis or information on topics such as nutrition, exercise or taking a relaxing break - there's something for everyone during HCBN Week. So come along and see what we have planned for you this time!

Apfel auf Papierstapel auf geöffnetem Laptop
© Colourbox

Healthy working practices

Information for members of staff

Stapel Bücher mit aufgeschlagenem Buch und Pfirsich
© Colourbox

Healthy study practices

Information for students

Hände halten Puzzlestücke zusammen
© Colourbox

University of Bonn: healthy and physically active

More movement in everyday life

Gehwegplatten im Gras
© Colourbox

About us

Milestones of the Healthy Campus Bonn

© Colourbox


Academic publications

@-Symbol auf Wiese
© Colourbox


Healthy Campus Bonn Team

10 years of Healthy Campus Bonn

Healthy Campus Bonn was founded 10 years ago. Since then, University health management has developed further and established itself at the University of Bonn. We therefore celebrated our 10th anniversary in 2024 with a number of accompanying activities.

Why a University health management initiative?

Valuing health

The Rectorate commissioned the Healthy Campus Bonn team to develop and implement a University health management strategy.

Strategy goals

The strategy seeks to promote and strengthen the health skills of individual members of staff and establish healthy working and study structures.

Scientific supervision

Scientific evaluation of our health-oriented strategy ensures continual quality assurance and its needs-driven adaptation and development.


A range of studies make a contribution to the academic literature in this area. The University health management strategy networks a number of partners and involves them in the development of the concept and process.

SmartBreak - short break for more energy

Tired? Tense? Knots in your head?
SmartBreak exercises help you recharge your energy, take a quick breath, and increase focus. On our website you will find more information, videos and exercises for simple application.

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