The Healthy Campus Bonn team

Team HCBN in their office
© Gregor Hübl

Human Resource Development
Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33
53115 Bonn

We provide regular updates on Facebook21 and Instagram32 about mental health, exercise and healthy eating.


Avatar Preuß

Dr. Manuela Preuß

Healthy working coordinator

Avatar Stöver

Dr. Katja Stöver

Healthy study coordinator

Avatar Shepherd

Hannah Shepherd

Event management

Avatar Behr

Andrea Behr

Student assistants

Avatar Kramer

Birte Kramer

Avatar Keutgen

Svenja Keutgen

Avatar Schmidt

Klara Schmidt

Human Resource Development

Here you can find a diverse range of opportunities for your continued professional and personal development: training, coaching, mentoring, language courses, certification programs, e-learning and much more besides. We will also be happy to provide you with advice tailored to your own personal circumstances.

Organizational Development

Organizational Development offers all areas of the University of Bonn organizational and process consulting in combination of strategic consulting and organizational implementation concepts.

Together shaping our university health management strategy

Start page


About us

Our milestones


Healthy Campus BonnTeam

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