Digital Health Services

As digital tools will continue to play a big part in our working life for the foreseeable future, we have provided an overview on this web page of the services and content that we provide to promote health and well-being whilst using them.

These range from sport and exercise to courses on meditation and mindfulness and interesting articles related to health. This provision includes services from our cooperation partner Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), which are available free-of charge to all University of Bonn staff.

Stay healthy!

We have assembled a range of healthy working information on Instagram1 and Facebook.

We welcome all feedback.

Our Approach

Working in accordance with the WHO definition of health as a “[...] state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of illness or ailment”, we follow a holistic approach to this issue.

We have assembled our provision in the blocks “physical health”, “mental health” and “social health”.

Wortwolke: Haus aus Wörtern mit Bezug zum Gesundheitsmanagement
© Healthy Campus Bonn

Cooperation Services: The TK Health Coach

Techniker Krankenkasse provides a comprehensive range of online coaching services offering individual assistance, training plans, challenges and information about issues such as fitness, nutrition, preventing and dealing with stress and giving up smoking.

Enter the following password to register: TKCoach24124.

Physical Health

Our Services

University Sports wants to help you keep fit and active at home; use the voucher code to take advantage of our free-of-charge online content.

Further information (German web page)

A simple walk is an easy and healthy way of keeping active, especially in our increasingly digital world. Walking for 20 minutes a day in nature helps to reduce stress.

A walk in the woods is especially restorative in this respect. Immersing yourself in the sounds and smells of a forest is an effective way of connecting with nature and improving your sense of balance and well-being.

The countryside in and around Bonn provides a number of hiking trails which draw you into the fresh air and relaxing ambience of nature. One such route takes you along the Rheinaue wetlands. There are also a number of trails (e.g. to get to Drachenfels or Löwenburg) in the Siebengebirge area close to Bonn.

Good Mental Health

Our Services

Tense shoulders and neck? - Knots in your head? - Always tired?
Taking a short active break can help you return to work fitter, better motivated and with improved concentration.
Strengthen and improve your physical and mental performance in an active and fun manner with our SmartBreak exercises. 

Training videos to download (German videos)

Exercise description Smart Break: Simple Layout

You need a little break to be able to concentrate again? 5-Finger Breathing will give you a quick and effective break. Try it out! The TK video shows you how it works and why breathing exercises are so effective.

Watch the video

The deadline for the next assignment is approaching, the group meeting for the exam is just around the corner and the content for the next lecture has neither been prepared nor reviewed. Do these situations sound familiar?

On its website, TK presents three simple tips on how you can make your everyday study life more relaxed:

  1. With these methods for sensible time management, you can stay relaxed even when there's a lot to do (German web page).
  2. Set goals to keep track of what's important to you (German web page).
  3. Optimize time management and reduce time traps - this is how you succeed (German web page)

Meditation and mindfulness techniques help you to reduce stress and learn to improve your conscious perception. This can be of great assistance in planning a healthy and successful day at university. Find out here about mindfulness and meditation and a range of exercises.

Further information (German web page)

  • The TK Online Meditation and Mindfulness Course
    Techniker Krankenkasse provides a comprehensive range of online coaching services offering individual assistance, training plans, challenges and information about issues such as fitness, nutrition, preventing and dealing with stress and giving up smoking.
    Further information is available here (German web page).
    Enter the following password to register: HealthyCampus2020TK.
    Registration (German web page)
  • TK "Body Scan"
    “Body Scan” is a mindfulness exercise. Use the 23 minute audio file provided by TK to get to know and learn to accept your body and your thoughts. There is also an introduction for beginners.
    Further information (German web page)
  • Online Offers from University Sports Cologne

At the University of Cologne, you can take part in mindfulness training via Zoom.
Further information and registration 

With quick and easy relaxation exercises for your home, the RelaxBox helps you to reduce inner restlessness, dissolve moments of stress and stop your mind from racing. Whether progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises or tips for falling asleep - with the help of the 18 short exercises you can find out how best to calm down.

Further information (German web page)

You can find a number of short auto-stabilization and focus videos here. The videos are in German but there are English subtitels available.

The clips are ideally suited for use as short breaks whilst working from home or during longer in-person events. The professionally-produced exercises are based on mental training techniques. The latest research shows that physical exercise can reduce stress and increase well-being.

Further information (German web page)

A study conducted by TK has shown that about a quarter of adults in Germany sleep less than they need and suffer from difficulties falling and remaining asleep. A sleep deficit can negatively impact performance during the day and impair health over the long-term.
TK has assembled a range of information and handy tips focusing on the issue of sleep.
Enjoy trying it out; sleep well!

Further information

Healthy together

Our Services

Come together online with like-minded individuals in digital events such as concerts or pub quizzes. If you are not able to find the right event, you are very welcome to organize your own happenings such as a digital book club, quiz or virtual after-works drinks or a games evening. Let your fantasy run wild!

Techniker Krankenkasse has assembled a range of content focusing on the issues exercise, healthy eating and stress prevention, all accessible from home.

A range of articles focusing on a number of issues are available here:

The Office of Family Services advises staff and students alike about combining academia, a career, studies and family life.

The following section provides further information about the issue of a family-friendly university.

Would you like to volunteer but do not know how? The University of Bonn provides a number of opportunities to get involved. A range of student initiatives and groups always need extra helpers to conduct their social, cultural and university politics projects.
Further information is available here.


The “Be EmPOWERed” program summarizes all the free-of-charge digital skills-training offers from the University of Bonn and outside providers pertaining to time-management, learning strategies, healthy studying practices and social skills.

Articles and Podcasts about Digital Health

A healthy back in the workplace is not rocket science, even when needing to work with a computer. Simply following a few basic ergonomic truths can prevent a painful neck, back and shoulders.

Navigate to article (German web page)

A series marathon at the weekend? Everybody wants to keep up with the latest series. Yet few are aware of the addictive potential of watching one episode after another.

Navigate to article (German web page)

Employment, training and studying are the three most common drivers of stress in Germany. All the more reason to organize your time effectively. The more tasks you have to complete, the more important is good time management.

Navigate to article (German web page)

Is my thyroid quite right? Am I in danger of burning out? My boyfriend snores—what can I do? Have you ever asked yourself these or other, similar questions? Then listen to our podcast “Is that really healthy?”

Navigate to the podcast (German web page)

Your Contact Person

Avatar Shepherd

Hannah Shepherd

Healthy Study Coordinator
In weißer Schrift auf blauem Grund "TK Die Techniker"
Gesundheitspartner Techniker Krankenkasse © Techniker Krankenkasse

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