
“The art of relaxing is part of the art of working.” (John Steinbeck)

We provide a range of advice and support to assist you in making your (digital) study routine healthier and more mindful.

This web page outlines a number of relaxation exercises to use during breaks in your schedule, provides tips for keeping calm during the current pandemic, outlines approaches to enable you to reflect on your study situation and lists a range of other digital services addressing the issue of studying healthily.
Take advantage of a number of free-of-charge online courses, workshops, podcasts and articles taking an independent study approach, including those from our cooperation partner, Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).


The "Be EmPOWERed" program1 combines free-of-charge digital services from the University of Bonn with those from other providers that will help you acquire these skills. Our self-learning courses and training programs fall into four categories:

#SkillPOWER (time management, learning strategies, study organization)
#HealthPOWER (healthy studying, relaxation, self-reflection)
#SocialPOWER (dialog, cooperation, student life)
#FuturePOWER (self-reflection, doubts about your degree program and shaping the transition to a master’s degree or your career)

Vier Quadrate mit den Überschriften #HealthPOWER, #SkillPOWER, #SocialPOWER, #FuturePOWER
© Daniel Epple, Universität Bonn

Online Courses for good Mental Health

Tense shoulders and neck? - Knots in your head? - Always tired?
Taking a short active break can help you return to work fitter, better motivated and with improved concentration.
Strengthen and improve your physical and mental performance in an active and fun manner with our SmartBreak exercises. 2

Training videos to download (German videos)

Meditation and mindfulness techniques help you to reduce stress and learn to improve your conscious perception. This can be of great assistance in planning a healthy and successful day at university. Find out here about mindfulness and meditation and a range of exercises.
Further information (German web page)8

  • The TK Online Meditation and Mindfulness Course
    Techniker Krankenkasse provides a comprehensive range of online coaching services offering individual assistance, training plans, challenges and information about issues such as fitness, nutrition, preventing and dealing with stress and giving up smoking.
    Further information is available here (German web page).9
    Enter the following password to register: HealthyCampus2020TK.
    Registration (German web page)10
  • TK "Body Scan"
    “Body Scan” is a mindfulness exercise. Use the 23 minute audio file provided by TK to get to know and learn to accept your body and your thoughts. There is also an introduction for beginners.
    Further information (German web page)11

Techniker Krankenkasse provides a comprehensive range of online coaching services offering individual assistance, training plans, challenges and information about issues such as fitness, nutrition, preventing and dealing with stress and giving up smoking.
Further information is available here (German web page).9

Enter the following password to register: HealthyCampus2020TK.
Registration (German web page)12

You can find a number of short auto-stabilization and focus videos here. The videos are in German but there are English subtitels available.

The clips are ideally suited for use as short breaks whilst working from home or during longer in-person events. The professionally-produced exercises are based on mental training techniques. The latest research shows that physical exercise can reduce stress and increase well-being.

Further information (German web page)13

Studierendenwerk Bonn provides a number of videos focusing on relaxation, mindfulness diaries and self-care programs .

Further information 14

Further Offers

The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service of the University of Bonn runs regular workshops dealing with examinations, stress, problems of low self-esteem and doubts about the suitability of a degree program as well as courses seeking to bolster personal study skills.

Further information and registration15



“What is examination anxiety? And what can I do about it?” Find answers in the podcasts from the Advisory services of the University of Heidelberg.

Navigate to the podcast (German web page)16

The podcast series from the Advisory services of the University of Heidelberg answers questions on a range of issues from financial difficulties or the cancellation of a semester abroad, to changes in the organization of your degree program.

Navigate to the podcast series (German web page)17

Is my thyroid quite right? Am I in danger of burning out? My boyfriend snores—what can I do? Have you ever asked yourself these or other, similar questions? Then listen to our podcast “Is that really healthy?”

Navigate to the podcast (German web page)18

Welcome to the 14-day meditation series from "a mindful mess". Looking after ourselves and others has never been more important than in turbulent times. Whether you are suffering social isolation, stress at work or are feeling overwhelmed: meditation helps you to keep you on an even keel.

Navigate to podcast (German web page)19

Articles and Information

Articles and Information

Employment, training and studying are the three most common drivers of stress in Germany. All the more reason to organize your time effectively. The more tasks you have to complete, the more important is good time management.

Navigate to article (German web page)20

A study conducted by TK has shown that about a quarter of adults in Germany sleep less than they need and suffer from difficulties falling and remaining asleep. A sleep deficit can have a negative impact on performance during the day and impair health over the long-term.
TK has assembled a range of information and handy tips focusing on the issue of sleep.
Enjoy trying it out: sleep well!

Further information (German web page)21

Activating shaking, tapping and stretching exercises for a relaxed body and a healthy mind

Navigate to the instructions (German document)22

Are you experiencing difficulty motivating yourself? Are you unable to decide on a topic for your term paper or do you only ever go to lectures because you have to? 

Here are five tips to get you up and going (German web page)23

COVID-19 is all over the news and social media. It is important to be aware just how this situation can affect our mental health and well-being.

Navigate to article (German document)24

Social isolation and quarantine are exceptional situations with an impact on mental health. We outline strategies and responses to help you deal with these stressful situations.

Navigate to the measures (German document)25

A series marathon at the weekend? Everybody wants to be able to keep up with the most-talked-about series. Yet few are aware of the addictive potential of watching one episode after another.

Navigate to article (German web page)26

Your Contact Person

Avatar Shepherd

Hannah Shepherd

Healthy Study Coordinator

Together shaping our University Health Management Strategy

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Team Healthy Campus Bonn

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