We are here for you!

Advice and support services for staff members

This web page provides an overview of the advice centers run by various institutions at the University of Bonn, providing telephone counseling and important information on their websites.

Representing your interests

Find out further information about internal decisions, safety regulations and official matters here:

Staff councils constitute a forum for involving university employees in the internal work place decision-making process. Staff councils work to ensure the implementation of all safety regulations with relevance to employees. They represent the interests of their members vis-à-vis the University and are involved in all employment decisions. They also mediate in conflict situations and provide assistance to university staff in a range of matters. The staff council is required to maintain discretion.

Technical and administrative Staff Council
Office: Maximilianstraße 22, 53111 Bonn
Phone: 0228 / 73-7381
E-Mail: personalrat@uni-bonn.de
Web page (German web page)1

Academic personnel Staff Council
Office: Maximilianstraße 22, 53111 Bonn
Phone: 0228 / 73-3279
E-Mail: prwiss@uni-bonn.de
Web page (German web page)2

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Combining a career with family life

Further information about sources of advice and support for those seeking to combine family life and a career is available here:

Topics covered: the compatibility of family, a career and studies, maternity protection, parental leave, family services, childcare and the care of relatives.

Phone: 0228/73-6565
E-Mail: familienbuero@uni-bonn.de
Web page3

Protestant advice center for marriage, family and pastoral guidance
Webpage (German web page)4

Catholic advice center for marriage, family and pastoral guidance
Web page (German web page)5

Continual professional development

If you have any questions about your career or working abroad, you can find further information here:

The University of Bonn’s International Office is the contact point for all issues pertaining to international and intercultural programs and activities: how and when can I plan a stay abroad? What are the potential destinations? How can I pay for everything and what preparations should I make?

Office: Poppelsdorfer Allee 53
Phone: 0228 / 73-7707
E-Mail: international@uni-bonn.de
Web page6

Human Resource Development provides advice and support for academic, technical and administrative managers and staff in the acquisition and development of key qualifications and skills. Taking a broad approach, the seminars and advice and support services provided aim to prepare managers and employees for their current and future tasks.

Office: Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33 (Deutscher Herold)
E-Mail: pe-oe-gm@verwaltung.uni-bonn.de
Web page7

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Psychosocial and Health Counseling

Find information and support pertaining to a range of health and psychosocial issues and conflicts here:

The staff physicians office provides individual consultation and advice services for University staff experiencing health problems at work.

Further Information8

This service is open to all academic and non-academic staff facing professional, private and health challenges. We work together to develop responses and solutions to difficult situations and also provide a mediation service for individual members of staff and whole teams.

The service is subject to professional discretion.

Work, organizational and social psychology; systemic therapist
Stephan Rothes
Office: Poppelsdorfer Allee 82, 53115 Bonn
Phone: 0228 / 73-5060 

E-Mail: srothes@uni-bonn.de
Web page (German web page)9

The clinic offers treatment options for the entire spectrum of mental illnesses in adulthood. Depending on the clinical picture and urgency, there are various treatment options and procedures. An overview of the possible approaches and referral options, including emergencies, can be found on this overview page of the clinic.The clinic offers treatment options for the entire spectrum of mental illnesses in adulthood. Depending on the clinical picture and urgency, there are various treatment options and procedures. An overview of the possible approaches and referral options, including emergencies, can be found on this overview page of the clinic10.

The University Psychotherapy Outpatient Clinic run by the Department of Psychology at the University of Bonn is an outpatient research and teaching department focusing on behavior therapy.

Dietkirchenstraße 28
Phone: 0228 / 73 40 79
E-Mail: psychotherapie@uni-bonn.de
Web page11

The Studierendenwerk also provides support to enrolled doctoral students who are confronted with problems and conflicting situations. 

Further Information12

Do you have the feeling that life is not going to plan? Does a chronic illness or specific situation (threaten to) throw your life into confusion? Would you like to meet with people in a similar situation?

Then get in touch with the Bonn self-help contact point and/or find out about the work of the Bonn self-help groups and the advice and support provided by the contact point from this home page.

Office: Lotharstraße 95
Phone: 0228 / 94 93 33 17
E-Mail: selbsthilfe-bonn@paritaet-nrw.org
Web page (German web page)13

The Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at University Hospital Bonn provides inpatient treatment for those with psychological and psychosomatic conditions as well as outpatient diagnostic consultations. Further information can be found on the website14.

The telephone counseling service of the Protestant and Catholic Churches are open to all. It is free-of-charge and provides anonymous and confidential support 24 hours a day. You can also contact us online:

Phone: 0800-1110111 (Protestant) or
Phone: 0800-1110222 (Catholic)
Web page15

We all experience difficult situations and stressful phases in the course of our lives, such as family problems, social isolation, self-doubt or work-related problems. For doctoral students in particular, other factors such as a lack of work-life balance, the uncertainties of academic careers, setbacks in their own dissertation project, conflicts in supervision and the enormous competitive pressure in academia can also play a role. Advice and help with personal challenges, psychological stress or crises. You are not alone - we will be happy to help you!


Dr. Robert Radu
Bonn Graduate Center


Equal opportunities & Diversity

The University of Bonn provides information tailored to the needs of certain groups:

Office of Disability Resources provides help and assistance in a range of issues including the completion of applications, appeals procedures, the design of the working environment, the management of integration measures and conflict resolution.

Confidant for staff with disabilities:
Judith Ebach
Office: Maximilianstraße 22, 53111
Phone: 0228 / 73-1745
E-Mail: sbv@uni-bonn.de
Web page17

The Equal Opportunities Office team is available to all members and affiliates of the university for all questions relating to gender equality and for inquiries about support measures for female academics to continue their academic careers as well as in cases of sexualized discrimination and violence or gender-based discrimination.

Gender Equality Commissioner
Gabriele Alonso Rodriguez
Office: Maximilianstraße 22, 53111 Bonn
Phone: 0228 / 73-7490
Web page18

The promotion of equal opportunities by means of a targeted gender equality policy and comprehensive diversity management is intended to ensure that gender equality is fully realized at the University, as well as to encourage a respectful and appreciative work climate for all members of the University, regardless of gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion or world view, ability, age, sexual orientation or identity. 


Simone Abresch
Phone: 0228 – 73 7569

Susanne Rettinger
Phone: 0228 – 73 3679


The University of Bonn is committed to taking action within the scope of its diversity strategy to ensure good working conditions, continuing professional development, reliable career perspectives and needs-driven services. A wide range of services and contact points as well as further training opportunities are presented on our website20.

In order to systematically remove structurally established hurdles that stand in the way of an equal scientific career, the University of Bonn is taking concrete measures,. You can find out here 21how diversity is specifically promoted as a research subject and how researchers and teachers are supported in their work.

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Dr. Katja Stöver

Healthy Working Coordinator

Together shaping our university health management strategy

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