Healthy living initiatives

Take part in events focusing on nutrition, exercise and health.

We provide regular information about healthy working practices on Facebook111 and Instagram.2

Healthy Campus Bonn Week

The Healthy Campus Bonn Week takes place twice a year. In cooperation with other actors, a colorful program is offered around the topic of health. Whether it's a nutrition quiz, stress scales or information on topics such as nutrition, sustainability or exercise - there is something for everyone during the HCBN week.

So come by and see what we have planned for you this time!

The Healthy Campus Bonn Week will take place in the week from May 05 to May 09, 2025

Find out more3

Tomatensalat mit Dressing in grüner Schüssel
© Colourbox

City cycling in Bonn

City cycling is an initiative from the Network for Climate and encourages participants to make as many journeys by bicycle as possible for 21 days. It is not important whether you travel by bicycle every day or just a few days. Every kilometer counts - especially if you would otherwise have traveled it by car. So it's not only the way to the university or work that counts, but also when you go to get your rolls on Sundays.

After the 3rd place among the Bonn teams in 2021, the 2nd place in 2022 and the 1st place in 2023, it now about defending the title - so join us and let's pedal together! Your support, whether as a university employee or student, is needed!

  • Time period 2024
    This year's time period is from September 2nd to 22nd.
  • Registration and Conditions of Participation
    This year's team captain of the main team will be Teresa Vallée. You can register now, join the team from the University of Bonn or start your own sub-team. To register, click here4. You set a sign for cycling, climate protection and your own health with your participation!
  • General information about the initiative (German web page)5
Fahrradfahrer auf einer Straße zwischen zwei Häusern
© Gregor Hübl

Sport in the park

Sport in the park provides free-of-charge exercise sessions for people of all ages who have got out of training. There is no need to book and no long-term commitment is expected. The one-hour open-air sessions are led by qualified instructors.

Eine Gruppe von Menschen macht Yoga im Park
© Colourbox

Team Olympics at the Dies

At the Team Olympics, teams from the individual institutes and departments (students, technical and administrative staff and academic staff) compete against each other in various disciplines.

The disciplines are selected in such a way that everyone - whether athletic or not - can take part.

New dates are being planned.

Menschen im Kreis legen Hände in der Mitte zusammen
© Colourbox

Bonn company run

Run as you are - Loof wie de bess!

It's  that time again, on June 13, 2024, we will start together at the 16th Bonn Company Run on the 5.7 km long course in the Rheinaue in Bonn.

All members of the University of Bonn are cordially invited to support our team. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a beginner or a regular runner, whether you run at a leisurely or ambitious pace, as long as you enjoy running.

No team from University of Bonn at company run 2024!

After the wonderful running spectacle with a record number of participants at the University of Bonn last year, we are motivated to start planning for the run on June 13, 2024. 

Unfortunately, there will be no team from the University of Bonn at the company run this year. Due to legal requirements as well as the conditions and pricing on the part of the organizer, the positive aspects of participating in the event no longer outweigh the negative ones for us. There have been numerous discussions over the past few weeks and we have pulled out all the stops to find a solution. Unfortunately without success. 

We definitely would like to preserve some of the great atmosphere of the company run and work on a solution for 2025. More information will follow.

Your teams from Healthy Campus Bonn and University Sports

group picture
© Volker Lannert

Your contact person

Avatar Behr

Andrea Behr

Event Management

Together shaping our university health management strategy

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The Healthy Campus Bonn team

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