Eye School for screen work

Wellness for your eyes

The digital revolution means that many of us now spend hours of end in front of screens, be they on a PC, TV, smartphone or laptop, causing permanent strain on our eyes. This can have wide-ranging consequences, from headaches and neck pain through to difficulty concentrating, general tiredness and dry eyes. With the help of eye relaxation exercises, this seminar will show you how to relieve the strain on your eyes in your daily (working) life. It contains a great many practical and specific exercises to relax your eye muscles and tips on preventing pain and medical conditions.

Spending hours working in front of a screen places major demands on our eyes every single day, so why not do yourself and your eyes some good and come along to the seminar?


Sven Munderloh




Wadnesday, September 18, 2024

Seminar in the mornig: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Seminar in the afternoon: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Target group

Employees of the University of Bonn


Deutscher Herold, Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33, 53115 Bonn

3rd floor, room 3.051

Mann sitzt vorm Bildschirm und reibt sich die Augen
© Colourbox

Course content

  • Learn the basics of visual perception 
  • Understand how stress and screen work are linked
  • Get tips on helpful relaxation exercises to do in front of your screen
  • Familiarize yourself with targeted eye exercises to combat visual strain at your workstation


You will need to have a work or apprenticeship contract with the University of Bonn in order to attend a Healthy Campus Bonn training course.

No; the University of Bonn will cover the costs.

Some of the rooms have barrier-free access. Should you need help getting in, please get in touch with your named contact in good time so that we can give you the support you need on the day of the event.

If you need childcare during an event, please contact the Office of Family Services Staff Unit.


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Dr. Katja Stöver

Healthy Working Coordination

Together shaping our University Healthy Management Strategy

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