Mobile massages
Wellness at work
The masseur Martin Klein from well balanced provides a massage service directly on the premises of the University of Bonn. Treating clients in workaday clothes on a special massage chair.
Martin Klein gives a holistic TouchLife massage adapted to the individual breathing patterns and energy systems of the client to ensure a bespoke experience. A massage will revitalize your working week, bringing stress-relief and regeneration. Why not give it a try!
Take a short time out and enjoy a refreshing 15 or 20 minute massage. Employees of the University of Bonn can take advantage of the massage service every two weeks during working hours. It is entirely voluntary.
Martin Klein from well balanced
1st option
University of Bonn
Deutscher Herold (3rd floor)
Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33
53115 Bonn
Day and time:
Tuesdays (fortnightly)
Details of the appointment will be arranged with Martin Klein directly.
2nd option
University of Bonn
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Day and time:
Thursdays (fortnightly)
Details of the appointment will be arranged with Martin Klein directly.
3rd option
University of Bonn
Campus Poppelsdorf
More detailed information will follow
Day and time:
Thursdays (fortnightly)
Details of the appointment will be arranged with Martin Klein directly.
If there are 5-6 participants, it is possible for the mobile massage to take place directly in your department. Please contact us if required.
The most important aspects of your mobile massage:
- Performed in a sitting position in a special massage chair
- Can be performed close to your workstation
- No need to undress and dress, saving time
- No lotions or oils

Information about registration
Employees of the University of Bonn can take advantage of the massage service every two weeks during working hours. Participation is entirely voluntary.
Prices from January 2025:
- 15 minutes – €18 (ten sessions for € 170)
- 20 minutes – €24 (ten sessions for € 225)
Individually-booked massages are to be paid for directly before the session. Save money by paying for ten sessions in advance (cash only upon the first session).
Frequently asked questions
Currently, there are no official restrictions anymore. However, we still recommend that you wear a medical nose and mouth mask and disinfect your hands after entering the building. Disinfectant is available for this purpose at the entrance. In the massage room, there is regular cleaning of contact surfaces and ventilation of the room.
Further information about the hygiene rules in force at the University of Bonn can be found here:
From January 2025, prices will be 18 euros for 15 minutes and 24 euros for 20 minutes. You also have the option to save money by paying for ten sessions in advance at the price of 170 euros or 225 euros. The fee for the single massage is to be paid by you in cash directly to the provider before the respective massage appointment. If you purchase a 10-session card, the full final amoun must be paid in cash at the first massage. You can take advantage of the massage offer a maximum of every two weeks during working hours. However, there is no obligation.
Only some of the rooms have barrier-free access. Should you need help getting in, please get in touch with your named contact in good time so that we can give you the support you need on the day of the event.
If you need childcare during the event, please contact the Office of Family Services at the University of Bonn3.
The further training offers provided by Human Resource Development at the University of Bonn are only open to people who have signed a work contract with the University, are enrolled as a doctoral student, are conducting research on behalf of the University or are an associated member of a research consortium.
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