TOGETHER for sustainability

For a Future Worth Living - Sustainability at the University of Bonn

The sustainable transformation of economy and society is the key issue of the coming decades. Through our commitment as a university in research, teaching and operations, we make an important contribution to this and lay the foundations for change.

Fairtrade University Bonn

Bild Fairtrade.png
© Leonie Kornel

Funding Pot & Ideas Inbox

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© Leonie Kornel

Instagram Channel @nachhaltige_unibonn

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© Leonie Kornel

Sustainability Newsletter

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© Leonie Kornel

News in the field of sustainability

 Fairer Feburar 2025 - Program

University of Bonn Recertified as Fairtrade University

Strategy paper on sustainablilty 

Quarterly Campaign Months

To promote a culture of sustainability, the University of Bonn organizes campaign months once every quarter. All members of the university are invited to participate in the diverse offers around the topics of sustainability.

Logo of Fairer Februar
© Universität Bonn
Logo of Mighty May
© Universität Bonn
Logo of Sustainable September
© Universität Bonn
Logo of Nachhaltiger November
© Universität Bonn

Sustainability in research

Close-up of ears of wheat in a field.
© Universität Bonn

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in research. Whether it involves construction materials, fuels, sustainability in horticulture or sustainability in development policy, our researchers are working on projects with a wide range of solution-oriented and interdisciplinary approaches.

Sustainability in teaching

A Vietnamese farmer standing in a stream in front of a red mountain range with a carrying pole over her shoulders from which two baskets are suspended filled with leaves. This is a symbol.
© Universität Bonn

Issues connected with sustainability and sustainability research also play a key role in teaching. As well as covering sustainability issues through its content, this teaching also educates people in sustainable development through its methodology in formats with a practical, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary focus.

Sustainability in operations

Ein kleines Haus wird von einem Mann auf einer Leiter mit einer Art Schilf gedeckt. Es handelt sich um ein Experimentalhaus von Studierenden des Campus Klein-Altendorf.
© Universität Bonn

Our University needs resources in order to operate. Our commitment to sustainability, particularly in terms of our energy supply, building work, waste management, mobility and procurement, helps minimize the negative impact on the environment.

More information is currently being put together and will be published soon.

Our Commitment to Sustainability
Focus on sustainability: Uniform waste concept at the University of Bonn15
Uniform separation systems, fewer waste bins and improved communications are making waste collection more efficient, reducing the University’s overall waste volume. Sven Linke, head of the University’s Cleaning and Pest Control unit, is spearheading development and rollout of the new system. With support from the Team N (N for “Nachhaltigkeit” or “sustainability”), Linke designed a practical waste separation concept after taking over the Indoor Waste Separation project, which is now being progressively implemented at the University of Bonn since 2023. In an interview, Sven Linke explains the special features of the system, the challenges faced and the most common mistakes made in waste separation
University of Bonn Recertified as Fairtrade University6
Having been certified for a third time in a row, the University of Bonn is entitled to call itself Fairtrade University for two more years. “Promoting fair trade is important to us at the University of Bonn. We are delighted that successes achieved and measures still in planning have been officially recognized and have become more visible through this award,” Professor Annette Scheersoi, Vice Rector for Sustainability, emphatically states. 
University of Bonn with excellent performance in the QS Sustainability Rankings 202516
In the new Sustainability Rankings of ranking provider Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), the University of Bonn has emerged as one of the world’s top 100 universities. Climbing 43 slots, the institution now ranks 95th worldwide, showing very good results in many of the ranking categories.
University of Bonn publishes new Strategy Paper on Sustainability17
With five action areas, several dozen objectives and measures, and well over 250 people involved in its creation, the new Strategy Paper on Sustainability is set to embed the issue even more firmly across the University of Bonn. Representatives from all status groups put it together in a collaborative process and will continue to adapt it in line with changing requirements going forward.

 Sustainability at the University of Bonn - our process of transformation

The Strategy Paper on Sustainability. It provides an overview of the achievements, objectives and measures recorded as of the time it went to press.

BOOST—the University’s very own sustainability program

The Bonn Program for Sustainability Transformation (BOOST) is geared toward embedding sustainability systematically in all areas of the University and fostering a culture of sustainability.

Participation, networking and student involvement all have a major role to play in realizing this sustainability program, as reflected in the guiding principle of “Working Together for Sustainability19.”

The Vice Rectorate for Sustainability, the Sustainability Unit and the Green Office are all working together as Team N (N for “Nachhaltigkeit” or “sustainability”) to make the University ever more sustainable. This means above all coordinating the transformation process, developing the sustainability strategy with the involvement of representatives from all stakeholder groups (in the BOOST working group), conducting communications on the issues and bringing together the many different actors and obtaining their support for sustainability projects.

© Universität Bonn

A unique governance structure

As a university with Excellence status, the University of Bonn is doing its bit for sustainable transformation processes.

Networks and Certificates

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