Bonn Program for Sustainable Transformation

BOOST – Bonn Program for Sustainability Transformation

The Bonn Program for Sustainability Transformation is geared toward embedding sustainability systematically in all areas of the University and fostering a culture of sustainability. Participation, networking and student involvement all have a major role to play, as reflected not least in the program’s guiding principle, “Working Together for Sustainability.”

This participatory whole-of-institution approach is built on the mission statement1 that was formulated together with representatives of all stakeholder groups at the University and that defines strategic objectives and fields of activity.

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© Universität Bonn

BOOST - working group

Interested members of various status groups at the University meet regularly in the BOOST working group to discuss sustainability issues and accompany the University on its path to sustainable development. For example, the group is involved in choosing sustainable projects to be supported via the funding pot5.

The sustainability strategy is developed based on the mission statement: working groups focusing on specific topics (BOOST sub-groups) set operational targets and define tangible measures for achieving them. All members of the University are invited to get involved in developing the strategy via corresponding tools (such as the Ideas Inbox5).

The sustainability strategy is to be understood as a dynamic process rather than a static plan. It is constantly being developed further so that it can adapt in light of changing circumstances and new insights.

Members of the BOOST working group

The following people from various status groups are part of the BOOST working group:

  • Christina Böhm - Sustainability Officer at the Faculty of Medicine (currently out of office)

  • Kathrin Demel* - Green Office

  • Dr. Simon Ebert* - in charge of the BOOST teaching sub-group, degree program manager at the Department of History

  • Hon.-Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Erdmann - honorary professor at the Department of Geography

  • Dr. Sandra Gilgan* - head of Bonn Research Alliance (BORA)Unit

  • Holger Gottschalk* - Provost

  • Dr. Andreas Hansen** - Academic Staff Council

  • Dr. Julia Meis-Harris - Vice Dean for Sustainability Faculty of Medicine / Project and Committee Management Sustainability

  • Sina Hartmann** - vironmental Department of the General Students’ Committee (AStA)

  • Britta Hellhammer* - Acquisitions (Section 5.3)

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch* - Rector of the University of Bonn

  • Charlotte Kaspari** - head of the facility management division at UKB

  • Leonie Kornel - Project Coordinator Sustainability Unit (currently out of office)

  • Christian Michels** - Sustainability Officer at the Faculty of Medicine at the UKB

  • Sina Mosen - Project Coordinator Sustainability Unit

  • Apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred Nutz* - Department of of Geography

  • Kevin Passon* - in charge of the BOOST operations sub-group, Construction (Section 4.5)

  • Dr. Manuela Preuß* - head of the Healthy Campus Team

  • Janna Reif* - chairperson of the General Students’ Committee (AStA)

  • Prof. Dr. Jakob Rhyner* - in charge of the BOOST research sub-group, Scientific Director bonnalliance

  • Deborah Rupprecht** - Technical and Administrative Staff Council

  • Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi* - Vice Rector for Sustainability

  • Christina Schlösser** - Academic Staff Council

  • Michael Schmitz** - head of the facility management section at UKB

  • Kattrin Sippel** - chairperson of the Technical and Administrative Staff Council

  • Jennifer Sobotta* - head of Sustainability Unit

  • Lynn Spaeder* - Green Office

  • Thorben Thieme** - vironmental Department of the General Students’ Committee (AStA)

  • Lennia Tilgner* - Green Office

  • Pia von Falkenhausen - Advisor to the Vice Rector for Sustainability

  • Miriam Wagner* - Dez. 8,  Editor for strategic university communication

  • Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten**/Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck** -  Vice Deans for Sustainability & Scientific Infrastructure Faculty of Medicine

*: entitled to vote; **: shared voting rights

Sub-group Research

Head: Dr. Sandra Gilgan

Members: Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi, Sandra Speer, Prof. Dr. Jakob Rhyner, Kathi Demel, Thorben Thieme, Dr. Jens Mutke, Prof. Dr. Jan Börner, Prof. Dr. Kristina Großmann

Sub-group Teaching

Head: Dr. Simon Ebert

Members:  Derek Kwella, J'Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Riedl, Dr. Andreas Reusch, Sina Mosen, Jennifer Sobotta, Lennia Tilgner, Janna Reif, Dr. Mauela Preuß, Hannah Shepherd, Prof. Dr. Eva Nöthen, Dr. Lutz Kosack 

Sub-group Operations

Head: Holger Gottschalk and Kevin Passon

Members: Apl. Prof. Dr. Manfred Nutz, Elena Hachem, Lynn Spaeder,  Dr. Insa Thiele-Eich, Pia von Falkenhausen, Annette Poetsch, Marion Duisberg, Anika Veith, Ferdinand Frechen, Leanna Franz

Faculty contacts

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Im Podcast: Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi Bild © Gregor Hübl/Universität Bonn

Podcast: Sustainability at the University of Bonn

How can sustainability be implemented at the University of Bonn? Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi, Vice Rector for Sustainability, discusses this topic in the staff podcast "Lass ma' hören!". In the episode, she explains what personally fascinates her about sustainability, why the University of Bonn bears a particular responsibility in this area, and how we can succeed in embedding sustainability even more firmly across all areas of university life.


Avatar von Falkenhausen

Pia von Falkenhausen

Avatar Sobotta

Jennifer Sobotta

Avatar Green Office Uni Bonn

Green Office Uni Bonn

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