Fairtrade-University Bonn
November 23, 2020 saw the award to the University of Bonn of “Fairtrade-University” status. The University of Bonn worked towards the award over a two-year period, in which time the University fulfilled all the requirements set out by TransFair e.V. (Fairtrade Germany). We are especially proud of the fact that the decision to apply for this status was made at the suggestion of a student group, which also worked with the University management during the application procedure. At the end of 2022, Fairtrade Germany recertified the University of Bonn as a “Fairtrade University” for a further two years.

Fair Trade University Group
We are students from different academic disciplines who are committed to fair and sustainable trade at the university.
We meet regularly, exchange ideas on fair trade topics, discuss how we can integrate fair trade better in University structures and plan events. Our focus is on satisfying the five criteria that must be met to be awarded “Fairtrade-University” status. Among other things, we exchange information with relevant stakeholders, such as the Studierendenwerk and administration, and network both within the University and with other Fairtrade-Universities across Germany.
I would like to take part - how can I get involved?
If you are interested in fair and sustainable trade and want to get involved in this topic at the University of Bonn, then you are very welcome to join the Fair Trade University Group! Just write us an e-mail or join the WhatsApp group. We are always happy to hear from motivated people who want to join us!
Join the Whats-App-Group
In the WhatsApp group you can be informed about current topics or get actively involved in the Fair Trade University Group - the level of participation is up to you.
Write us an email
Do you have an idea concerning fair trade at the University of Bonn? Or would you like to join the Fair Trade University Group? Then please send us an email.
Find out more on Instagram
On the Fairtrade University Instagram channel, you can find out about events and topics relating to fair trade at uni Bonn.

What is a Fairtrade- University?
The “Fairtrade-University” certificate is awarded to universities that prove their commitment to fair and sustainable trade and consumption practices. The awarding body performs an audit to ensure that fair trade practices are integrated in both the teaching and administrative life of the university. Universities demonstrate their commitment to fair trade by satisfying five criteria. The first is a university resolution that forms the basis for all the other criteria, such as formation of a steering group. The other criteria include public relations work and offering fair trade products. Details concerning the criteria and additional information on the Fairtrade-University campaign is available on the Fairtrade Germany website.
What does this mean in detail for the University of Bonn?
Fairly-traded coffee, tea and chocolate have been available in all Studierendenwerk premises for a number of years. The University catering services also incorporates fairly-traded products in its range of provision, whilst university courses on globalization deal with aspects of fair trade.
Status as a Fairtrade-University means that the University of Bonn has committed itself to undertaking further steps in this area. The steering group brings together all relevant stakeholders — the Rectorate, administration, Studierendenwerk and student representatives — who work with great dedication to organize events and steadily advance the procurement of fair trade products.
Video: Award ceremony in November 2020
We are Fairtrade-University!
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