Nachhaltiger November

Nachhaltiger November 2024 

As always, a big thank-you to everyone who took part in the many thrilling events!

  • Quiz on the Sustainability Strategy Paper

  • Students for Future Bonn and the action week as part of the Public Climate School 2024

  • GreenScreen, the cinema focused on sustainability at the Brotfabrik in Bonn-Beuel; the initiator was Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hakenes with the film 'Moon'

  • Exhibition visit and exchange on the Climate Plan 2035

  • The 7th Night Flea Market at the Campo Mensa Poppelsdorf, organized by the Green Office, Studierendenwerk Bonn and the General Students’ Committee 

  • Healthy Campus Bonn with Healthy Campus Week and a diverse program centered around the topic of health

  • The Fairtrade Coffee Bike by Fairtrade Germany offering free sustainable and fair-trade hot beverages

We are excited to present many more activities during our upcoming action month "Fairer Februar"

Nachhaltiger November 2023

We would like to thank everyone who took part in the numerous exciting activities

  • Students for Future Bonn and the action week as part of the Public Climate School 2023
  • NEiS (NRW Consumer Center, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of NRW) for delicious, healthy and seasonal cooking inspiration in the form of short videos
  • Two upcycling workshops at the Bundeskunsthalle with audio cassettes and records, inspired by the exhibition "ALLES AUF EINMAL. POSTMODERNISM, 1967-1992"
  • Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi (Vice-Rector for Sustainability), PD Dr. Hedwig Pompe (International Centre for Advanced Studies) and Junior Prof. Dr. Julia Mink (Argelander Professor of Environmental Economics, Sustainability and Inequality) for the conception and organization of the interdisciplinary doctoral workshop on sustainability research
  • Healthy Campus Bonn with the Healthy Campus Week, which offered a sustainable, healthy menu and hands-on activities in the CAMPO canteen

We look forward to presenting you many more campaigns in our next "Fairer Februar 2024" campaign month!

Nachhaltiger November 2022

A big thank-you to everyone who took part in the many thrilling events!

  • Healthy Campus Bonn Week—Healthy Campus menu and hands-on activities in the CAMPO Mensa in partnership with the Institute of Nutritional and Food Science
  • “Sail Through the Semester on a Full Stomach” cookery classes organized by the NEiS project and the INFINITY students’ group
  • Panel discussion on sustainable eating, including awards ceremony for the NEiS project’s video challenge and a pop-up Fairteiler stand from Foodsharing Bonn
  • Students for Future Bonn’s Public Climate School 2022
  • The University of Bonn’s “Waste ABC”—a waste separation initiative that everyone can get involved in

We look forward to telling you about many more events and activities in our next campaign month, “Fairer Februar 2023”!

Nachhaltiger November 2021

Collage_nachhaltiger November_zugeschnitten.png
© Universität Bonn/NEiS/Colourbox

There are many sides to sustainability. In “Nachhaltiger November” 2021, therefore, some exciting initiatives were once again organized with various partners. These point out how and where each of us can help foster a culture of sustainability at our University and in our daily lives.

  • Recycling cell phones in partnership with Mobile-Box
  • Vegan Healthy Campus Menu in the Campo Mensa
  • Week of events to mark the first anniversary of Fairtrade University Bonn
  • Science Slam "Sustainability" of the Green Office in partnership with NEiS (postponed to 22.04.2022)

Thank you for taking part and helping to promote sustainability at our University through your concerted efforts!

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