18. July 2024

Award ceremony for “Green Travel” in the Erasmus+ program Prizes awarded for Green Travel as part of the Erasmus+ program

Hosted on May 15, the Green Travel awards ceremony honored Erasmus+ students who traveled to and from their destination using sustainable forms of transport.


Lotta W. and Annette Scheersoi at the award ceremony
Lotta W. and Annette Scheersoi at the award ceremony © Barbara Frommann
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A total of seven prizes were awarded, six of which were financed from the university’s Team N (N for “Nachhaltigkeit” or “sustainability”) budget and the seventh from Erasmus funds. With the total prize money amounting to €1240, each individual prize is sufficient to cover the cost of an Interrail pass.

The prizes were awarded by Professor Annette Scheersoi, Vice Rector for Sustainability at the University of Bonn. Three of the winners were present to accept their prizes in person.

Anja E. received third prize (€85) for her return trip to Ljubljana and other journeys on which she embarked during her time abroad, including travel to Bratislava, Zagreb, Rovinj, Venice, Lausanne, Salzburg and Vienna. She chose to move by train, bus and carpooling.

The second prizes of €145 went to Noah N.—who traveled to Cork and back by train, bus and ferry—and Luisa S., who returned home from Sicily by train and bus with stopovers of several days in Rome, Siena, Florence and Verona. Felix W., who traveled to Copenhagen by train, also received a second prize.

Three first prizes of €240 were awarded to Steffen v. B., Lotta W. and Paul Z.. Steffen v. B. traveled to Trondheim in a sustainably-equipped VW bus that he had converted himself. Lotta W. traveled to Kuopio via Norway and Sweden and returned via Tallinn, using carpooling, ferries, trains and buses. Paul Z. traveled to Siena by train and was able to redeem rail bonus points to cover part of the cost of travel.

Participants in Erasmus+ can incorporate green travel in their planning, for example by applying for funding to cover additional travel days. Further information is available here.

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