Focus on sustainability: Uniform waste concept at the University of Bonn
Uniform separation systems, fewer waste bins and improved communications are making waste collection more efficient, reducing the University’s overall waste volume. Sven Linke, head of the University’s Cleaning and Pest Control unit, is spearheading development and rollout of the new system. With support from the Team N (N for “Nachhaltigkeit” or “sustainability”), Linke designed a practical waste separation concept after taking over the Indoor Waste Separation project, which is now being progressively implemented at the University of Bonn since 2023. In an interview, Sven Linke explains the special features of the system, the challenges faced and the most common mistakes made in waste separation
University of Bonn Recertified as Fairtrade University
Having been certified for a third time in a row, the University of Bonn is entitled to call itself Fairtrade University for two more years. “Promoting fair trade is important to us at the University of Bonn. We are delighted that successes achieved and measures still in planning have been officially recognized and have become more visible through this award,” Professor Annette Scheersoi, Vice Rector for Sustainability, emphatically states. 
University of Bonn with excellent performance in the QS Sustainability Rankings 2025
In the new Sustainability Rankings of ranking provider Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), the University of Bonn has emerged as one of the world’s top 100 universities. Climbing 43 slots, the institution now ranks 95th worldwide, showing very good results in many of the ranking categories.
University of Bonn publishes new Strategy Paper on Sustainability
With five action areas, several dozen objectives and measures, and well over 250 people involved in its creation, the new Strategy Paper on Sustainability is set to embed the issue even more firmly across the University of Bonn. Representatives from all status groups put it together in a collaborative process and will continue to adapt it in line with changing requirements going forward.
University of Bonn’s new waste management system bearing fruit
Trash separation systems with a uniform look, fewer waste bins in lecture halls and offices, better communication—2023 saw the University of Bonn launch a new waste management system. Professor Annette Scheersoi, Vice Rector for Sustainability, takes stock of developments after a year.  
Night Flea Market at CAMPO cafeteria
What to do with used clothing and other items? Instead of just throwing them away, try the sustainable alternative of giving them away to others, extending their useful life. And this was precisely the idea behind the campus Night Flea Market.  
Foundation of the Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability and Scientific Infrastructure
On July 8, 2024, the Vice Dean's Office for Sustainability and Scientific Infrastructure in the Medical Dean's Office was elected by the Faculty Council. As Germany's first and so far only Vice Dean's Office in the field of sustainability, this is a major step - both for the university and UKB and also for a more sustainable future.
Meat Consumption Falls After Veggie Month
What effect does a vegan/vegetarian month have on a canteen? For this experiment, the Studierendenwerk Bonn sought scientific support from researchers at the Universities of Bonn and Kassel. They found that the impact could still be felt up to eight weeks after the campaign month had ended: as a result of the vegan/vegetarian month, the amount of meat consumed in the canteen fell by 7 to 12 percent compared to the level recorded beforehand. In addition, around half of the people surveyed agreed with the idea of one meat-free month a year, while over 80 percent said that canteens should offer more vegetarian options. The findings have been published in a working paper prepared by the ECONtribute Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bonn.
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