“Excellence, Re-imagined Sustainably — An Interview with Vice Rector for Sustainability Annette Scheersoi”
Vice Rector Dr. Annette Scheersoi speaks out in the latest edition of Titanum-Blatt about the various sustainability measures underway at the University of Bonn.
Impressive Results in THE Impact Ranking for Sustainability
The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2023 sees the University of Bonn among the Top 50 universities worldwide in two of five ranked categories. The study highlights the impact of universities on the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It is the first time that the University participated in this relatively new ranking.
Experiencing sustainability live and up close at the University of Bonn
This year saw the second Mighty May campaign month, which offered a wealth of exciting sustainability-related activities to anyone from the University of Bonn who was interested. The real highlight of the month was Sustainability Day on the Poppelsdorf Campus.
Official Launch of the Global Network
The purpose of the newly formed network is to promote multilateral cooperation between partners institutions in higher education.
Biodiversity and Protecting Insects—make your own “bug hotel”!
This year’s Fairer Februar saw many building bug hotels and presenting them as part of a contest.
All Key Players at One Table
The UN Water Conference, held at the United Nations headquarters in New York March 22-24, was attended by Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers, who is the UNESCO Chair for Human-Water Systems at the University of Bonn Department of Geography. Dr. Evers was there as a member of the German government delegation, joined by members and partners of the BonnWaterNetwork
Green Office publishes University of Bonn’s first sustainability reader
The student-run Green Office has spent the past months working on creating the first sustainability reader of the University of Bonn and is now publishing the results of its efforts.
Sustainable office chairs for the University of Bonn
Back in November, the University of Bonn signed framework agreements with two partners for office chairs who value sustainability as well as value for money.