Up-to-Date Information and Regulations
After more than two years of restriction - both in our private lives and at the university - almost all regulations for the containment of the corona pandemic have now expired. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks for your assistance in preventing corona infections during this time.
Wherever people meet, there is still a risk of infection. That is why it can be useful to continue to implement basic hygiene measures (e.g. regular hand washing, ventilation and cough etiquette).
On February 28, 2023, the Corona Protection Ordinance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia expired after 1,073 days. This means that the last protective measures prescribed by state law have also ceased to apply in North Rhine-Westphalia since March 1, 2023. Since that date, only a few protective measures under the Federal Infection Protection Act1 have been in effect.
No, at the university, all mandatory measures to protect against corona infection have expired. However, it may still be different in the medical school area - especially in areas where there is contact with patients.
Many studies show that the risk of infection is significantly reduced by wearing FFP2 or medical masks, especially indoors. Therefore, it is of course still allowed to wear a mask. However, there is no legal authority to enforce a general mask requirement. It therefore depends on the individual risk assessment of each person.
There is currently no longer an isolation requirement. In the spirit of consideration for the health of those around you, we would ask that you voluntarily not enter the university if you have an acute corona infection.
The University of Bonn continues to call on all University members to make use of the opportunity to be vaccinated. This explicitly includes booster vaccinations at the respective times recommended by the STIKO. Information on the corona vaccination can be found on the website of the City of Bonn2. A list of vaccinating medical practices (in Bonn and other cities) can be found in the Impfregister Nordrhein2.
No, with the expiration of the isolation and testing obligations, the reporting of corona cases to Occupational Health and Safety is no longer required.

What to do in case of a (suspected) infection?
If you feel unwell or have had recent contact with a person suffering from COVID-19, we would advise you not to enter any University of Bonn premises. Symptoms may include coughing, fever, runny nose, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, headaches, arm or leg pains, shortage of breath or general feeling of weakness..
Even if you are not aware that you have had contact with a person infected with COVID-19, you may have become infected unknowingly. This is because an infected person can transmit the corona virus days before the onset of illness or may not develop any signs of illness at all.
The Corona Warning app displays a red warning when there is a risk of infection due to the proximity and duration of an encounter with a person who has reported a positive test result through the app. You should minimize personal contacts. There is no obligation to isolate the patient even if the test result is positive.
Further information
Further information is available from the homepages of the City of Bonn, the state of NRW and the Robert Koch Institute.
Information from the City of Bonn
The homepage of the City of Bonn lists all the regulations issued in conjunction with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information from the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
The NRW web pages provide all the most important information and regulations.
Information from the Robert Koch Institute
What are the current case numbers? What do we know about the virus? Answers to these and other questions are provided on the homepage of the Robert Koch Institute.
The Federal Government COVID-19 Warning App
We recommend to download and make use of the COVID-19 warning app provided by the German Federal Government to facilitate contact tracing. This enables you to find out whether you are at increased risk of developing an infection and at the same time, protect others.
Information from the Federal Centre for Health Education
The web pages of the Federal Centre for Health Education provide information about correct behavior in everyday situations and following infection.
University's Occupational Safety Unit
If you have any questions about infection control in the workplace, you can contact Occupational Safety and Health by mail.
- https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ifsg/
- https://www.bonn.de/microsite/en/services/medical-care/mobile-vaccination-campaign.php
- https://www.bonn.de/themen-entdecken/gesundheit-verbraucherschutz/coronavirus.php
- https://www.land.nrw/corona
- https://www.rki.de/DE/Home/homepage_node.html
- https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/corona-warn-app/corona-warn-app-englisch
- https://www.bzga.de/