Center for Diversity Research in Teaching
The Center for Diversity Research in Teaching (Zentrum für Diversitätsforschung in der Lehre, ZeDiL) is a central scientific institution of the University of Bonn for research on diversity in academic teaching.
About Us
The objective of ZeDiL is the further development of diversity-related teaching at the university through research and consulting. On the basis of the data available at the University of Bonn and in close coordination with all faculties and academic fields.
- didactic concepts are developed as well as accompanied in their implementation, which conceives the diversity of students as an opportunity for competence building in studying and teaching
- empirical studies on the success of the promotion of the individual potentials of the students at the University of Bonn are carried out
- empirical findings are implemented in curricular development, the study environment as well as the organizational structure of the University of Bonn.

Furthermore, ZeDiL is involved in projects aiming to establish and strengthen scientific evaluation on gender- and diversity-related topics and projects in the following areas:
- workshops and conferences on the topic
- internal research grants to utilize existing expertise
- interdisciplinary teams of researchers working on the topic of diversity and equal opportunities
- scholarships for doctoral students who would like to work on such topics
- calls for topic-related grants (e.g. for gender, inclusion, innovative teaching concepts, etc.)
Read also
Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit
The advancement of equal opportunity is a central task for University management.
Research Profile
The research conducted at the University of Bonn is performed under excellent conditions.
Teaching profile
The University of Bonn promotes and maintains the sciences as a unit of research and teaching.