family-friendly studies
family-friendly studies
Vacation childcare at Bonn university
caring for family members

Office of Family Services 

The Office of Family Services contributes to a better compatibility of science/career/studies and family. We provide advice to employees and students of the University of Bonn around the topics of childcare, maternity protection, parental leave, care of relatives and more.

Free places in Easter vacation childcare 

There are still places available for children of employees at the Easter vacation childcare. It will take place from April 22 to 25, 2025 at the AVZ, Römerstraße 164. Please register directly with the organizer funtime1.

A little girl paints whilst her father works from home
© Colourbox

Working and researching with childcare responsibilities

Researchers and administrative staff can find all information they need about childcare, maternity leave, parental leave, flexible childcare options and many other topics here.

Female student and son sitting on the meadow in front of the University of Bonn and are looking into a book
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

Students with family responsibilities

Students with children are facing some special challenges. We are happy to support you and provide information on maternity protection, childcare and financing options, among other things.

A man pushes an elderly man in a wheel chair through woods
© Colourbox

Caring for family members

A significant number of University staff and students are responsible for the care of relatives. We provide advice and support to help you meet the various mental and practical challenges involved with this responsibility.

Family-Friendly University

The University of Bonn has been certified under the Family-Friendly University Audit since December 2011 and is entitled to use this title permanently since September 2021.
The point of contact for staff and students with family responsibilities is the Office of Family Services.

© berufundfamilie Service GmbH

The University of Bonn defines "family" as a community with a close personal connection,
in which people take responsibility for each other.

Latest information 

Podcasts und Filme
© Adobe Stock

Podcasts & Movies 

In this podcast series, we discuss various areas relating to the compatibility of family, studies, science and career at the University of Bonn. Each episode focuses on a specific topic, which we discuss with different experts. 
Important note: The podcasts are in German.

© Colourbox

Quick assistance

In case that you need quick, professional support, we have listed some contact points for you below.

Here7 you will also find helpful information and contact points on the topic of family friendliness at the University of Bonn.

© Pexels

Babysitters wanted

We are constantly looking for experienced and flexible students who would like to babysit the children of our employees.

If you are interested, please contact the office (familienbuero@uni-bonn.de | Tel. 0228 / 73 7273).

Financial support 

Travel allowances for Accompanying persons

The University of Bonn, as a family-friendly university, makes it possible to apply for travel allowances for taking children and accompanying persons on official and research trips at home and abroad. The subsidy is aimed at all employees in science, teaching and administration.

For more information, please visit Confluence9.

Financial support for single-parent students

The University of Bonn can provide financial support to single-parent students who find themselves in a financial emergency. A single payment of up to 500€ is possible.

This measure is sponsored by the University of Bonn‘s Foundation („Bonner Universitätsstiftung“).

Short-term support for parents in the finishing or qualification phases of their (doctoral) degree program

We are happy to announce that the short-term support for parents in the final stages of their studies will be continued in 2023.

Applications may be submitted until May 31, July 31 and September 30 of each year.

© Martin Magunia

Vacation childcare 2025 - Registration from February 15, 2025

Are you looking for vacation childcare for your child aged four to 13?

The Office of Family Services at the University of Bonn offers vacation care for children of employees. This year, for the first time, for the entire six weeks of the summer vacation. 

Another new feature this year is that you can register with the organizer funtime 1from 15 February for the whole year.

The vacation childcare during the Easter vacations from April 21 to 25, 2025 will take place in the building of the Allgemeinen Verfügungszentrums III in Römerstraße 164, 53117 Bonn.

© Colourbox

Expat Partners' Monday Meeting

Date: March 24, 2025, 2 pm to 4 pm - every two weeks

The Expat Partners' Monday Meeting is aimed at partners of international academics, professors and employees, regardless of their career level or length of stay. The aim is also to help partners settle in. 

We invite you to an informal coffee and chat and thus enable expat partners of the University of Bonn to network with each other, make friends or establish work-related contacts. 

Café of the P2613 in Poststraße 26, 53111 Bonn 

Expat partners can join us at any time and are welcome to come along with their children during these two hours.

No registration is necessary. 

Further information can be found here14.14

Useful information


The KITA-NET15 is a parent portal of the city of Bonn. If you would like to register your child in a childcare facility of the university, a registration at the Office of Family Services and a registration via KITA-NET until the end of the deadlines is mandatory. If you have any questions regarding KITA-NET, please contact the Office of Family Servies of the City of Bonn16.

How to find a midwife

When you are looking for a qualified midwife, the following places will be helpful to you:

Caregiver support group

The contact point for caregivers21 informs caregiving relatives about support and discussion groups. It also hosts meetings and organizes interesting events in Bonn. 

Diversity and Family

The Office of Family Services is continuously committed to the acceptance and promotion of diverse family forms.



Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33
53115 Bonn

Opening Hours 

Telephone consultation

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    9.00 am - 12.00 pm
  • Tuesday
    12.00 pm - 4.00 pm

Comprehensive consultation sessions by appointment.

Team Familienbüro 2024_2
Mitarbeiterinnen des Familienbüros (v. l.): Stefanie Lohmer, Snezana Krtinic, Daniela Thiedemann, Anna Walpuski und Karin Kick (Die Kollegin Sabine Paffenholz ist nicht anwesend.) © Volker Lannert
Gebäude Deutscher Herold
© Volker Lannert

Please also read

Gender Equality

The Gender Equality Office is engaged in advocating for gender equality at the University of Bonn.

Welcome Center 

The Welcome Center provides comprehensive advice and support services for international researchers.

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service

Students can consult the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service about any problems they may encounter during the course of their studies.

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