Shaping the Future

Family-Friendly University Audit

The University of Bonn has been certified under the Family-Friendly University Audit since December 2011. Since then, the University has made considerable attempts to develop specific measures to facilitate the working life of staff members and students with family responsibilities. The strategic development of appropriate personnel measures remains a target after completion of the dialog phase.

Framework conditions and aims 


The following aims are at the center of the family-friendly university audit:

  • The integration of a family-friendly approach in the University philosophy

  • The establishment of a comprehensive and complete family-friendly working and studying atmosphere in the University and its communication

  • Ensuring a high level of diffusion

The audit begins with an appraisal of the measures and instruments already implemented to ensure the diffusion of a family-friendly and life-phase conscious culture. Strategies are then developed to extend the existing potential of the organization under review; binding targets are established to ensure that an understanding of the central issues is anchored in the culture of the organization. This process is applicable to organizations of different size in all branches. After completion of this process, the board of trustees (an independent panel of high-level representatives from industry, academia, politics and trade associations) issues the audit certificate. 

After completion of this process, the board of trustees (an independent panel of high-level representatives from industry, academia, politics and trade associations) issues the audit certificate. 

The re-auditing phase

After three years, a re-audit can agree further targets designed to develop personnel policy. The organization may only continue to hold the certificate if it passes the re-auditing phase. 

 The dialog phase 

Universities that are certified in accordance with the Family-Friendly University Audit following a “consolidation” re-audit routinely conduct what is known as a dialogue process in order to obtain the certificate. At the heart of this process is the “Dialogue Day,” where people’s views on the progress made and ideas for potential future developments are elicited and discussed together with a range of stakeholders. Following on from the Dialogue Day, ongoing projects and strategies for supporting and further improving efforts to make student life family-friendly and raise awareness of family and other circumstances in HR work are recorded in an action plan. The University underwent the dialogue process successfully in both 2021 and 2024, and the actions that it has planned are being implemented in stages.


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Daniela Thiedemann

Please also read

The Family-Friendly University Audit

Comprehensive information about the Family-Friendly University Audit is provided here. 

Childcare at the University of Bonn

The Office of Family Services at the University of Bonn provides contact to childcare facilities and babysitters.

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