Locations of Parent-child rooms and diaper changing tables on the Central Bonn Campus
The University of Bonn provides a number of diaper changing facilities and parent-child rooms for employees and students.
The Office of Family Services supports institutes and faculties in their efforts to set up parent-child rooms, install diaper changing tables, and to realize other infrastructural services. The establishment of such facilities has an important impact on balancing study/work and family life.
Diaper changing facilities on the Central Bonn Campus
Regina-Pacis-Weg 3
53113 Bonn
In the restroom next to the wardrobe, you can find a changing table which is accessible for students and employees.
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Room U1, ladies' WC
Niebuhrstr. 5
53113 Bonn
Room 0.010, ground floor, disabled WC
The changing table is available in the disabled WC (ground floor). The buiding is available to employees and students with access to the building.
Phone contact: 0228 73 79 10
Kaiser-Karl-Ring 9
53111 Bonn
Room 0.013, disabled WC
The restroom is open to students and employees.
Parent-child rooms on the Central Bonn Campus (most have baby change facilities)
Poppelsdorfer Allee 31-33
53115 Bonn
(former Deutscher Herold, corner of Bonner Talweg)
The parent-child room in the Office of Familiy Services of the University of Bonn has seating, toys and children's books as well as a small workstation with a desk and desk chair. Students and employees who would like to use the room should contact the Office of Familiy Services in advance (0228 73-72 73 or familienbuero@uni-bonn.de).
Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Room U1.056
In the Juridicum you can find a diversity room with a parent-child workplace. Please reserve the room via email to diversitaet@jura.uni-bonn.de.
Further information about the room and the terms of use can be found here1.
Niebuhrstr. 1a
53113 Bonn
Room 0.006
The Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob is equipped with a parent-child room, which also has a changing table. The parent-child room can be used by employees of the institute by arrangement.
Phone contact 0228 73 60 81 7
Niebuhrstr. 5
53113 Bonn
Room 3.008
Phone contact 0228 73 62 44 2
The institute provides an internal parent-child room with a changing table. The parent-child room may be used by staff of the institute after prior consultation.
- https://www.jura.uni-bonn.de/familienbeauftragte/diversitaetsraum