Responding to the challenge of domestic care

Caring for family members

Combining university studies with the care of family members is a challenge requiring good organization. It is important to get good advice and find out who can help. 

Caring for family members whilst studying

Young students often provide care to family members. A survey conducted in 2017 by The Centre for Quality in Care (“Zentrum für Qualität und Pflege”) revealed that some 230,000 children and teenagers from 12 to 17 carry some form of responsibility for caring for relatives. There are no reliable figures as to how many students hold responsibility for caring for relatives, but it can be assumed that a certain number of young adults perform care duties for relatives during the course of their studies. This double burden can pose a considerable challenge.

We are happy to provide comprehensive advice about combining university studies with care responsibilities.

A young woman pushes an elderly lady in a wheelchair; both smile at the camera
© Colourbox

Contact points and advice 


Avatar Lohmer

Stefanie Lohmer

Please also read

Financing care

The german website Sturado provides comprehensive information about financing and organizing the care of relatives.

First steps

What should I do when a care situation suddenly presents itself? What do health insurers pay to cover my needs? Answers to your questions are provided here. 

Help for carers

A tonne of forms and emotional distress? The consumers association “Verbraucherzentrale” gives helpful advice on how to meet the challenge of caring for relatives. 

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