
Studying with a child undoubtedly goes hand in hand with more expenses and effort. However, thanks to various support services, student parents can master everyday university life without financial worries. Here you can find out important details about BAföG, parental allowance, child benefit and more.

New rules for parental allowance for births from April 1, 2024

For births from April 1, 2024, a new income threshold applies, from which the entitlement to parental allowance no longer applies. In addition, the options for receiving parental allowance at the same time will be revised. You can find answers to the most important questions here1.

BAföG with childcare supplement

Students whose family is unable to provide them with sufficient financial support during their studies can apply for BAföG support. Since the winter semester 2022/23 students with children receive a childcare supplement of €160 per child in addition to their individual BAföG payment.

Students who are able to demonstrate that they are responsible for a child can continue in the receipt of BAföG past the age of 30.

Please submit the application to the BAföG Office at Studierendenwerk Bonn (“Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (BAföG-Amt) des Studierendenwerks Bonn”).

Dice arranged on a board spelling out “study” next to money and a pen
© Colourbox

Parental benefit

Parents who take care of a child after its birth and are therefore unable to work full time (max. 32 hours per week) receives parental allowance to compensate for the loss of income. This also applies to students.

Please note: If your child was born before September 1, 2021, different regulations may apply to you. Please contact your parental allowance office for more information.

The level of parental benefit paid

If you have not been in paid employment during your studies before the birth of your child, you can apply for the minimum level of parental benefit (€300 per month). If however, you are able to demonstrate a regular net income from the last 12 months, you can apply for payment of 65-67% of your net income. The basic level of parental benefit can be paid for up to 14 months.


The payment of parental benefit plus can be spread over 28 months and usually amounts to half of the basic parental benefit.

International students

For foreign students from EU countries or Switzerland, the same requirements as for German citizens apply: More than one gainful employment or residence in Germany is not required to apply for parental allowance.

Students from non-EU states are usually not eligible for parental benefit, as they are only in Germany for a short time and for educational purposes.

Family allowance

Family allowance is intended to ensure the fundamental financial provision for children in Germany. Students from EU states living in Germany are eligible for family allowance. Non-EU students unfortunately are not. 

Eligibility for family allowance

  • Residence in Germany or another EU country, Norway, Lichtenstein or Switzerland

  • Your child (natural child, step-child, grandchild or foster child) lives in your household and you are responsible for their care.

  • Your child is under the age of 18 (under certain circumstances, family allowance can be claimed up to the age of 25).

Further information is available on the website I am expat4

Family allowance payments

  • Child benefit is €255 per child per month

(Last updated: January 2025)

 Applications should be made at the “Familienkasse”.

Mother sitting with son in front of the University of Bonn reading a book
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

Maternity benefit

Maternity benefit is a salary replacement payment paid during maternity leave. Students who are employed, regardless of whether it is part-time or marginal employment (mini-job), are entitled to maternity benefit. Citizenship is not relevant as long as the workplace is within Germany.

Would you like to find out the level of support to which you are entitled?
Consult the Federal Office for Social Security5.

Those with a mini-job should consult their statutory health insurance provider.

Financial support for single-parent students

The University of Bonn can provide financial support to single-parent students who find themselves in a financial emergency. A single payment of up to 500€ is possible.
This measure is sponsored by the University of Bonn‘s Foundation („Bonner Universitätsstiftung“).

Please send us your informal application via e-mail ( and submit the following documents:

  • Short cover letter (max. 1 DIN A4 page) with explanation of the distress
  • Certificate of study and transcript of records
  • Copy of the birth certificate of the child/children

Students are not entitled to a grant. Funds are only available to a limited number of people. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Family Services.

Hands holding purse from which peeps a 50 euro bill
© Colourbox

Short-term support for parents in the finishing or qualification phases of their (doctoral) degree program

Parents who are in the final phase of their studies or doctorate can regularly apply for short-term support (max. 400€ monthly for a total of 6 months). The aim of the support is to help reduce the daily workload - for example by financing additional childcare - in order to give parents more time to write their theses.

Applications may be submitted until May 31, July 31 and September 30 of each year.


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Karin Kick

Please also read

Apartments for families

The Studierendenwerk Bonn rents apartments to single parents and couples with children – find out more and apply now.

Family benefits

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) provides comprehensive information about all family benefits. 

Studying abroad with a child

Studying abroad with a child is a great experience. With good advice and organization, you can start your adventure without any worries.

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