Internal Reporting Office

Internal Reporting Office

Reporting breaches of law and misconduct

As employees, you are often the first people to spot any wrongdoing in your organization. By providing relevant information, you can help ensure that breaches of law and misconduct are exposed, investigated and prevented. The Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz, HinSchG) protects whistleblowers against disclosure of their identity and discrimination in the best possible way.

Point of contact for students and non-members of the University

Besides members of staff, students at the University and its external partners can also communicate their concerns or indications of misconduct or a breach of the law to the Internal Reporting Office in person, over the phone, by post or via email. All reports are treated in strict confidence and in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act.

Ways to file a report

Reports can be filed anonymously.

Please note before filing a report that the identity of a whistleblower who reports false information regarding violations either intentionally or with gross negligence is not protected, and that such individuals may incur legal penalties. In cases of doubt, state that what you are reporting represents your suspicion, for example, or that you are reporting what somebody else said.

After filing a report, you receive a receipt confirmation from the Internal Reporting Office. Within three months of receiving your report we will get back to you regarding any follow-up measures planned or already taken, outlining the reasons.

The digital whistleblower protection system1 (available in German only) enables anonymous reporting.

You can also submit a report to the German government’s external reporting body at the Federal Office of Justice.2

By post

Please address letters to the Internal Reporting Office  (AGG complaints desk) as follows:

Universität Bonn
Dezernat 1 – Interne Meldestelle
Regina-Pacis-Weg 3
53113 Bonn

You are advised to put “Vertraulich” (“Confidential”) on your envelope.

By E-mail

You can email the Internal Reporting Office at


Note that, if you share details or indications in an unencrypted email, it cannot be ruled out that they will not be seen by unauthorized third parties. Unencrypted email traffic is thus less of a guarantee of confidentiality than a letter sent in a sealed envelope.


David Tournay

+49 228 73-5274

+49 228 73-7075

Sarah Odenthal

+49 228 73-5197

+49 228 73-7075

Susanne Rettinger

+49 228 73-3679

+49 228 73-7075

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