Centers of Collaboration

Affiliated institutions seek to strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration within the University and promote excellent research. They stand for interdisciplinary working practices and excellent research and development in a number of areas.

Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics 

Bonner Mittelalterzentrum

Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies

Centre for the Classical Tradition

Centre Ernst Robert Curtius

Center of Integrated Dairy Research

Center for Robotics

Center for Science and Thought

Hausdorff Center for Mathematics

Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Komplexe Systeme

International Center for Philosophy NRW

Pharma-Zentrum Bonn

Zentrum für Alternskulturen

Center for remote sensing of land surfaces 

Center for Cultural Studies

Zentrum für Historische Friedensforschung

Zentrum für Religion und Gesellschaft

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