Interdisciplinary research

Central Research Institutes

Reporting directly to the Rectorate, Central Research Institutes usually focus on interdisciplinary topics which cut across the discipline boundaries of the seven faculties at the University of Bonn.

Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (b-it)

Bonner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (BZL)

Center for Development Research (ZEF)

Center for Economics and Neuroscience (CENs)

Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI)

Center for Life Ethics (CLE)

Department of Old Catholic Studies

Forum Internationale Wissenschaft Bonn (FIW)

Franz Joseph Dölger-Institut zur Erforschung der Spätantike

Global Heritage Lab

German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE)

Institute of Science and Ethics (IWE)

Interdisciplinary Latin America Center (ILZ)

Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics

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