Globally Networked

Vice Rectorate for International Affairs

Professor Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch is the Vice Rector for International Affairs. Her area of responsibility includes cooperation with universities, research institutions and research networks worldwide, the University’s integration into the European research landscape and the international organizations and institutions based in the region, in particular the United Nations in the UN city of Bonn.


I see internationalization as the backbone of every university—at all levels, from the first semester to the recruitment of top international researchers. The University’s Internationalization Strategy has already achieved important milestones. Working with you and our global cooperation partners, I would like to expand our research and teaching partnerships, which are no longer just bilateral but now also multilateral, and increase the awareness of diversity in the area of international affairs.

Prorektorin Münch
© Bernadett Yehdou

Curriculum Vitae 

  • since July 2019 - Deputy Spokesperson for the Centre Ernst Robert Curtius (CERC)
  • since October 2016 - Professor of Art History specializing in Netherlands art, University of Bonn
  • June 2016 - Habilitation for General Art History at Trier University, Topic: Jenseits der Académie? Alternative Kunstöffentlichkeiten in Frankreich und den Niederlanden 1450-um 1815 (Beyond the Académie? Alternative Art Audiences in France and the Netherlands 1450–ca. 1815)
  • 2007–2016 - Research Assistant and Tenured Lecturer, Trier University, Fellowships, incl. Oxford, Paris, Wolfenbüttel, and Representative of the Chair for Medieval and Modern Art History, Technical University of Dresden
  • 2003–2007 - Doctoral Studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Trier University, Topic: Geteiltes Leid. Die Passion Christi in Bildern und Texten der Konfessionalisierung. Von der Reformation bis zu den jesuitischen Großprojekten um 1600 (Shared Sorrow. The Passion of Christ in Images and Texts of Confessionalization. From Reformation to the Major Jesuit Projects ca. 1600) (summa cum laude)
  • 1995–2003 - Studies in Art History, History, Political Science and Sociology at Heidelberg University, Paris-Sorbonne University (Paris IV) and the Free University of Berlin, Magistra Artium Degree in Art History and Medieval and Modern History


Avatar Münch

Prof. Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch

Vice Rector for International Affairs

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Avatar Patzek

Maximilian Patzek

Advisor to the Vice Rector for International Affairs

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Avatar Henson

Amanda Henson

Advisor to the Vice Rector for International Affairs

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Avatar Sajic

Ruzica Sajic

Assistant to the Vice Rectors

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Avatar Wolter

Marlena Wolter

Assistant to the Vice Rectors

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Cologne/Bonn Academy in Exile (CBA)

Avatar Nadermann

Carla Nadermann

Project Coordinator Cologne/Bonn Academy in Exile (CBA)

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Also see

Our Partnerships

Our excellent relationships with renowned universities around the world make the University an important player in the knowledge-based economy.

International Days 2024

International Days 2024 took place on October 15-18.

Internationalization Strategy 2025

Internationalization is a key element in the overall orientation and development planning of the University of Bonn.

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