Your Student Representatives
We look forward to hearing from you

Student Representation

A department’s student body is made up of the students enrolled in a particular academic discipline. The student body of each department elects representatives on an annual basis, to form the student council. Depending on the number of students in a department, the student council may delegate certain responsibilities to an additional body, formed of selected members of the student council. The student council represents the interests of the student members of each department, and acts as the interface between the institute management and students. It also works with administrative bodies which require student representation. This includes the executive committees and curriculum commissions of the various institutes which hold responsibility for the conception and development of degree programs, and examination boards which take decisions pertaining to the application of study and examination regulations and develop regulations governing individual matters.

Student councils are a key point of contact for first-semester students. They enable new students to forge contacts and familiarize themselves with the university environment.

The student councils organize introductory events for new students and provide students with advice and support about their degree course.

Many student councils organize an orientation week for new students, including a breakfast for first-semester students, a scavenger hunt to introduce new students to the city of Bonn or pub evenings. It also organizes trips in the region (e.g. a long weekend in the Eifel Mountains).

The majority of student councils publish an information brochure aimed at first-semester students, providing useful tips and information about the university, and often a proposed timetable for the first semester.

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