Proactive Administration for an Excellent University
The central administration organizes and supports the smooth running of University operations

A Modern University Administration

Working under the leadership of Provost1 Holger Gottschalk, the central administration establishes the framework conditions that enable our researchers and teachers to thrive. The central administration is divided into nine divisions2 and further units3.

Organisation Chart                                            of the Administration

University Administration's Service Portal

In the Service Portal, University employees can find all services and information relating to the university administration. You can use the simple search function to quickly find all services, retrieve applications, and deal with your concerns.

The Divisions of the University of Bonn

Eröffnung des Akademischen Jahres
© Uni Bonn

Division 1 - Academic and Legal Affairs

This division attends to all academic and legal matters.

Modern data storage in the form of a large storage disk
© Uni Bonn

Division 2 - IT and Computing Services

We deal with everything to do with data processing.

Dezernat 3 - Beratung
© Barbara Frommann / Uni Bonn

Division 3 - Human Resources

We provide the requisite support and assistance in all personnel matters.

Campus Poppelsdorf
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

Division 4 - University Infrastructure and Facility Services

We ensure that the University facilities are all in working order so that top-level researchers can get on and do their job. 

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Division 5 - Finances

The finances division manages all incomings and outgoings. It is also responsible for the central acquisitions section.

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Division 6 - International Office

The International Office coordinates all the international activities of the University and provides support in all issues relating to international mobility and cooperation.

Wissenschaftlerin im Labor
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

Division 7 - Research and Innovation Services

We provide advice and support in the research process, from start to finish.

A pile of newspapers
© Colourbox.de

Division 8 - University Communications

We organize all central communication activities, maintain the University communication channels and provide expert advice to those who need it.

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Division 9 - Teaching and Academic Planning

We work on all issues surrounding the degree programs and other aspects of studying at the University of Bonn. We act as a contact point for students and faculties/members of the teaching staff alike.

The digitalization of the administration

The central administration in digital form.

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