Anti-Corruption Administrative Office
By adopting an Anti-Corruption Policy1 (available in German only) and appointing an Anti-Corruption Officer, the University of Bonn is underlining the importance of preventing and fighting corruption for its area of responsibility.
The policy serves mainly to help raise awareness of the issue of corruption among University of Bonn staff, i.e. all employees and civil servants who work for it in a research, teaching, administrative or technical capacity. At the same time, however, it is also designed to provide help and guidance so that people can respond appropriately and consistently to corruption risks as they emerge.
Preventing corruption is one of the pillars of the University management’s central internal control system, which also include internal audit and compliance.
The University’s Anti-Corruption Officer is the point of contact for all staff, managers, supervisors and, if applicable, third parties with regard to any questions in this context. The Rectorate has set out the extensive range of duties and responsibilities of the Anti-Corruption Officer in the Anti-Corruption Policy (see pages 12–13 of the policy)1. You can contact the Anti-Corruption Officer and their deputy via the Anti-Corruption Administrative Office, which is based in Division 1—Academic and Legal Affairs.
Anti-Corruption Officers
Simone Abresch
+49 228 73-7075
Sarah Odenthal
+49 228 73-7075