No on-site consultations until further notice. Alternatively, please contact us by email and phone.

Please note!

The International Office will not be available by telephone on January 17, 2025 due to maintenance work.

German as a Foreign Language

As part of the International Office, section 6.4 is tasked with providing German language training and advice on all aspects on this issue. This includes the organization, realization and provision of advice regarding the German Language Proficiency Test for Admission to Higher Education (DSH).

Frequent Topics

Section Management

Avatar Lax-Küten

Dr. Andrea Lax-Küten

Head of Section

Isabelle Scholtysek

Deputy Head of Section

Contact Persons

Avatar Hammer

Sonja Hammer

German language courses and language exams
Avatar Hermann

Eva Hermann

Intensive courses and individual coaching
Avatar Berg-Schlosser

Sita Berg-Schlosser

Teacher for German as a Foreign Language
Avatar Nießen

Svetlana Nießen

Teacher for German as a Foreign Language
Avatar Scholtysek

Isabelle Scholtysek

Teacher for German as a Foreign Language
Avatar Wefers

Ulrike Wefers

Teacher for German as a Foreign Language
Avatar Brus

Uta Brus

German as a Foreign Language for NeurotechEU, Coordination
Avatar Müller

Jens Timo Müller

Media Didactics


German as a Foreign Language



Building II
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
53115 Bonn (Germany)
How to find us5

Office hours

  • Tuesday and Thursday 
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Thursday
    01:30 pm - 03:00 pm

  • and by appointment
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